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On Friday the theatrical version of one of my favortie books Watchmen is going to be released. I know most movies are unable to live up to the book and this one will be no exception, but I still think that this could unseat the Dark Knight as the best comic based movie. The story is better and much darker. I was wondering if anyone else will be seeing this movie I know I am going to try to get there on Friday.
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XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
Jan 1, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
this movie looks amazing... i don't know if it will beat dark knight (that's a bold statement), but i have hopes for it to be good... the story is so cool for this movie that it will def. be a good movie (i read it too, hopefully they will stick to the original story like they say they are doing). i also like that fact that it is rated R... so they are going to try to make it as close of a representation of the book without censoring anything... this is the most anticipated movie of the year for me...