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Forum Star
Dec 12, 2006
The link below will show recalls on vehicle's, boats, and possible food that is infected with bacteria........not trying to scare anyone but you will find this link useful......if you click on the vehicle link towards the bottom left just simply hit the tab, pick your year, make and model and hit the square box to get a FULL REPORT of your car or any new car that you might buy, you might be amaze! i found alot of vehicles ranging from BMW, LEXUS, INFINITI.......HAVING RECALLS because of potential fire hazards.

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Forum Star
Dec 12, 2006
Yes it is! It discuss me when i found out that they approved clone meat almost a year ago! yes CLONE MEAT! I think im gonna have to move out this country again. People wonder why they are always sick and have no idea where its coming from! Amazing what the government allows just to make a buck.

Xx Mr Bill xX

Forum Junkie
Dec 10, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Yes it is! It discuss me when i found out that they approved clone meat almost a year ago! yes CLONE MEAT! I think im gonna have to move out this country again. People wonder why they are always sick and have no idea where its coming from! Amazing what the government allows just to make a buck.

It discuss you?

So you're saying you hate clone meat, which means it's an EXACT replica of real meat?


Xx Mr Bill xX

Forum Junkie
Dec 10, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Watch the video of the side effects of clone meat, dont have anything in your stomach when you watch the video!


Conspiracy theorists make me laugh. The FDA spent four years testing cloned meat to make sure it was safe for consumption.

Edit: I don't know if you know this, but cloning is not some fantastic event where you put an animal in a machine and a replicate pops out. A cloned animal still has to go through all the phases of life, that means it still has to be "conceived" although it would be done by putting male DNA into an egg or something of that nature, and being born. Its just using identical DNA to create two or more alike living beings. I'm not saying I support cloning but eating the meat of a cloned animal would be the same thing as eating the animal where the DNA originally came from. The only differences in DNA would occur after being born. Its kind of like twins. Certain kinds have the same DNA up until a certain point, after birth environmental factors slightly alter that. More or less, your eating a twin of an animal.

Cloning happens some what naturally with plants too. If you go into a place where there are a bunch of apple trees or orange trees that are there for the specific purpose of harvesting the fruits for sale all of the trees are going to be pretty much genetically similar. This happens in nature unassisted by humans.

One celled organisms clone themselves.

Just some food for thought when thinking about a topic like this.
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Xx Mr Bill xX

Forum Junkie
Dec 10, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Ignorance to easy to obtain information is not an an excuse to go around posting false statement like you just did Ruskiy.

Do you think that because there is some "moral" issue on cloning that should put a moratorium on making cloned meat? The truth is that cloning is nothing more than making a test tube baby in essence. People don't understand that and refuse to. Using cloned meat could actually be helpful.

Its the same thing as stem cell research which is related to cloning tangentially. In truth, there are many ways to obtain stem cells that don't involve harming or aborting a fetus but conservative groups (to my dismay as I am a conservative) are some of the most stubborn, arrogant, and ignorant people.

As for your comment, try educating yourself before you post something stupid again.
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Killah Ruski xx

Forum Veteran
Jan 14, 2007
Hey MR BILL, how about you stop ACTING like a smart@ss and take some things as a joke. I thought that it was obvious to most people but I guess to the lesser few I have to waist my time and write another post explaining that my previous post was again a JOKE. I personally think that cloning itself, could eventually lead to some harmfull things. Do I know what it will lead to? Noone does. But almost everything man-made is made to harm us. We can argue this all day and get nowhere so I think that we are done here.

Xx Mr Bill xX

Forum Junkie
Dec 10, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Hey MR BILL, how about you stop ACTING like a smart@ss and take some things as a joke. I thought that it was obvious to most people but I guess to the lesser few I have to waist my time and write another post explaining that my previous post was again a JOKE. I personally think that cloning itself, could eventually lead to some harmfull things. Do I know what it will lead to? Noone does.

The irony of your posting is just delicious.

Since you're a man of science and are informed about what you're talking about I guess I'll just take your word as law.


But almost everything man-made is made to harm us.


Are you kidding me with this ridiculous statement? I can't even begin to grasp what goes through that head of yours.

See how I put /sarcasm at the end of that? That's because its kind of hard to tell when people are being sarcastic or joking over the internet.
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Killah Ruski xx

Forum Veteran
Jan 14, 2007
Hey Bill do you think I could hire you or something so you could follow me around and correct me since your so good at it. You'll be like a personal maid to me :p. Sound good? LOL... I really think that you have a great future ahead of you! :D

Xx Mr Bill xX

Forum Junkie
Dec 10, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Hey Bill do you think I could hire you or something so you could follow me around and correct me since your so good at it. You'll be like a personal maid to me :p. Sound good? LOL... I really think that you have a great future ahead of you! :D

The sign of true incompetence and ignorance. Ignore the points I make and try another weak attempt at insulting me.

Go you

Killah Ruski xx

Forum Veteran
Jan 14, 2007
Points?!?! LOL What points? You have not made any points kid. Your the one who is trying to insult me and put me down by changing the subject to how my sentence structure is wrong haha. Im just having fun here on the forums but I guess your taking it a little too offensive by thinking that I am trying to throw something at you. lol anyways what is the point of talking $hit on the forums when thats as far as it will go.

Xx Mr Bill xX

Forum Junkie
Dec 10, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Points?!?! LOL What points? You have not made any points kid. Your the one who is trying to insult me and put me down by changing the subject to how my sentence structure is wrong haha. Im just having fun here on the forums but I guess your taking it a little too offensive by thinking that I am trying to throw something at you. lol anyways what is the point of talking on the forums when thats as far as it will go.

You know, I made a nice long post flaming you for the stuff you wrote, but your right, whatever, this won't lead anywhere.

I don't know you and I said some things I probably shouldn't have so I apologize for overreacting and not realizing that it was a joke. I would prefer not to waste my time fighting someone over the internet who I don't know and don't have a problem with. I hope you feel the same way.


P.S. I'm not a kid ; )


Forum Junkie
Feb 24, 2009
Well i have to say i am really glad yo see you two have made up, no joke. I've seen a few threads where you two are going at it quite a bit. Not saying that a little arguement or discussion here and there isnt a good thing but it was starting to become a trend lol. Take care guys and i will talk to you later.

KoG KaYotiC

Forum Nerd
Feb 8, 2008

Conspiracy theorists make me laugh. The FDA spent four years testing cloned meat to make sure it was safe for consumption.

Edit: I don't know if you know this, but cloning is not some fantastic event where you put an animal in a machine and a replicate pops out. A cloned animal still has to go through all the phases of life, that means it still has to be "conceived" although it would be done by putting male DNA into an egg or something of that nature, and being born. Its just using identical DNA to create two or more alike living beings. I'm not saying I support cloning but eating the meat of a cloned animal would be the same thing as eating the animal where the DNA originally came from. The only differences in DNA would occur after being born. Its kind of like twins. Certain kinds have the same DNA up until a certain point, after birth environmental factors slightly alter that. More or less, your eating a twin of an animal.

Cloning happens some what naturally with plants too. If you go into a place where there are a bunch of apple trees or orange trees that are there for the specific purpose of harvesting the fruits for sale all of the trees are going to be pretty much genetically similar. This happens in nature unassisted by humans.

One celled organisms clone themselves.

Just some food for thought when thinking about a topic like this.

WHAT!!! WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT, its like finding out Santa isnt Real all over again :( lol