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KoG Sassy Cat

Forum Junkie
Apr 17, 2009
Henderson, NV
Hey, I'm starting this thread in hope of finding other vegan and veggitarean gamers out there. I wanna know what its like in other peoples perspectives. Me myself I am a vegan. I have made this decision to live an animal free life for 5 years not. I have started since I was 10. I feel great that I am making a difference or think that i am making a difference by boycotting the abuse of animals. If anyone is interested or has ever wondered why someone would start living an animal free life please visit these sites. I will warn that these videos on the site is not for the faint hearted and for the weak stomach. It is very gruesome and these are the sites that had hanged my life. Please tell me if you have visited the site and if it had made an impact to your life and if it has affected you to the use of eating or harming animals
-Thank you​
- www.meat.org -
- www.peta2.com -
- www.Goveg.com -
These videos when ever i watch them makes me literally want to hurt the people out there that have the guts to do these things. You guys can criticize all you want for this but I dont care I'm 1 out of thousands of people who tried to make a difference in the world so animals have rights. Become a part and reason of why animals will stop being abused. Please take this seriouly

KoG Sassy Cat

Forum Junkie
Apr 17, 2009
Henderson, NV
I am no here to create conflict. This is a very debatable topic and i wanted to just discuss it. I posted this for people who were interested in why people choose to go vegan and why it is important. You eat meant ongrats. But thousands of people dont. Im not here to instigate and if you are ok with eating steak which came from a cow that got abused go right ahead. I could care less. Apparently you werent one of the person who cares. you eat meat i could care less dont write down comments like that making it sound like you want to instigate somehting

UNSC Vhako

Forum Noob
Apr 27, 2009
The whole of my family is Vegan, but I eat meat. At the end of the day it's their choice but I made mine without any pressure from them and I extend them the same courtesy by not eating meat in the house or storing it in the fridge.

I've never really thought about it the way the OP described, but I doubt anything is going to stop me liking the taste at the end of the day.

D3V1L 385

Forum Veteran
Aug 25, 2008
west new york
My gf is a vegy n she always is trying to get me to eat like not meat substitutes n stuff but I mean I love the way meat tastes n rly if someone could kill me they can eat me. I just think lifes to short to spend worrying and feeling bad n making it harder on yourself. Sure there are bad ways animals are killed but there are insanly sick n horrible ways we kill eachother. Don't get me wrong the second part when you talked about abuse I totoaly understand if I see an animal a girl or a kid getting hurt I'm going to beat the **** out of whoevers doing it n if someone has a problem w/ it I'll take them 2

KoG Sassy Cat

Forum Junkie
Apr 17, 2009
Henderson, NV
Edward Cullen-No I do not eat fish.
UNSC-Thats really good that you try to make it easier for your family =D ]
Syn DK- Thats good that you mostly eat greens unlike some people who constantly eat meat .
Devilish- yeah i know how people tr tp preassure but have you watched the video? thats wat the first paragra0ph was aiming on

KoG Sassy Cat

Forum Junkie
Apr 17, 2009
Henderson, NV
Personally, I am doing great without Meat. Protein can come from natural stuff too! such as Peanuts, Tofu they dont taste bad. Soy instead of drinking Milk use Soy milk. Same stuff just made of soy. Less cows being abused for milk. On the sites listed here are full of ideas and ways to stay green.
I can not take people abusing animals and the only way i see it for me to do something is to resist buying there product. Look meat is also unhealthy.
1. Dairy products are very fattening.
2.Diseases such as Mad cow, Swine Flu, Bird Flu come from meat products. Eating Vegitables reverses deseases.
3.You are saveing many animal lives.
4.Meat raises blood preassure making it easier to cause Heart attacks

munkeys daddy

Forum Nerd
Feb 3, 2007
okay i understand your reasons for being vegan more power to ya i love my meats i understand they way that we do things is wrong but i dont see that changing anytime soon i too think that animals shouldnt be abused i dont believe in fur but i do like meat i eat meat to survive i know there are alternatives but i am a carnivore its my nature and i dont know what i would do without my deer meat

KoG Sassy Cat

Forum Junkie
Apr 17, 2009
Henderson, NV
Hahaha. But yeah people have there own opinions. =D I'm glad that you are not attacking me on this topic as some were. But yeah just some of the videos like KFC plantations and McDonald plantations is just cruedl such as 90% of leading meat production plants. THe only time i will eat an egg is if it is form an organic natural cage free eggs but i tell my mother not to purchase them its just too much money

KoG Sassy Cat

Forum Junkie
Apr 17, 2009
Henderson, NV
And Wick3d. I am not saying the consumption of meat is wrong. It is how the animals are tortured and proccessed before they become human consumption. It is just cruel. Chickens necks are broken by spinning them. They are dipped into 400 F and up unfeathering liquids why there are alive. 90% of the chickes in the planttion if they are lucky are crammed intoa cage so small thye cannot even expand there wings. Also there beaks are sawed off by a hot blade and most of there nerve endings are located at the beak creating more pain. This is only the chicken .Chickens are bassically mutaded in the poultry industry beause they are injected and fed with grwoth chemicals, making them so big at such a rapid speed that there legs will break and they will starve to death because they cannot reachthere food. The sanitaion is so horrid that the amonia in the air litterally stats blinding the chickens and Will burn there throats with every breathe they take. When chickes are being transported atleast 20 chickes are crammed intoa small cage. Also every year 20 000 shipping trucks on average have gotten intosome type of accident when the chickens have fallen out and have gotten injured. If they already arent dead they will throw them back in. Pigs, babies will be taked away form there mothers at birth and forced to drink dirty milk and are injected with growth hormone chemicals. They are killed bu being hanged by the leg and then they are on like a belt. There throats are slit and most of them dont die at that seccond. They will suffer and struggle until they will pass out from loss of blood. If you wathc the videops on my first post you will understand why I am doing this. It is just seriously messed up . And I am not even explaining all the animals. There are Turkeys who will never see daylight or get the oppurtunitty for the ray of the sun to shine on there back nor get any fresh air. Ducks sane treatment with chickens. COWS! cows are the second most abused meat on the shelf. Lamb and othe meats. Fish and Crustacian also suffer, Personally this renibds ne of soethinng that we all say is wrong. Do you guys remember the HOLOCAUST , I am pretty sure all of you have learned this in school and have done some research on it. The HOLOCAUST was a genocide against the Jews. THe animal abuse is like Genocide on all types of animals.And Hitler is the plantation Owner. IF we knew that the holocaust was wrong then why to we try to disguise it with animals. I dont get it is it the thril l of watching an inoocent animal who never had the oppurtuinity to be free or is it just for entertainment and for fun.?

munkeys daddy

Forum Nerd
Feb 3, 2007
i agree 100% with the way the animals are treated in the industry and its a load of bs i mean i would much rather get all of my meat myself but with all of my responsibilties it would be near impossible. so i just do what almost every american does take the easy way , now i would really like to see a change in the way animals are treated in this process but that isnt likely i mean look how much they cater to someone on death row and they KILLED SOMEONE and they get treated like gold and i know some people are going to say "well their humans they deserve better" well they don't deserve anything once they decided to take a human life but they still get a last meal and a humane way to die. now like i stated i love my meat and i deff couldn't even imagine not eating it but there are changes that have to be made but probably never will because our government are worried about blowing the country's money on more idiotic purposes

KoG Sassy Cat

Forum Junkie
Apr 17, 2009
Henderson, NV
Yeah you are deffinetly correct. I understand that you know that it is bad. But people now a days just Americans have the most work hours in the world so I see that it is nearly impposible to make a non - meat food like yeah its hard to adapt. And once i become an adult i will see that. I completley understand. And I dont mind if people meat just the people who joke around about the industry abusing meat. And I understand your situation .But yeah its pretty hard because in The USA meat is almost in everything you could possible think of eating . Just the government has to realize there is a law against this and money isnt everything. I cuould care less about money as lond as everting in the wrodl was living fine then id be happy. And there are alternative to killing animals for human aonsumption. They just have to create a more humane way to kill animals

munkeys daddy

Forum Nerd
Feb 3, 2007
yes but the main thing you said is money and as we are seeing more and more money is everything to the u.s. and its bull i mean im working and paying into social security and by the time i need it, it will be gone we have alot of things we need to change but i dont see it happening anytime soon. i really hope alot of the big wigs get their stuff together because just getting by is getting harder and harder every day and i want to see some changes cause i'm starting to get worried about the world my daugther is going to grow up in

KoG Sassy Cat

Forum Junkie
Apr 17, 2009
Henderson, NV
Yeah i know. Our country is in a multi trillion dollar debt which we will never pay off because its how the american government is and when they make moeny they spend it on stupid stuff. They will raise tax when we dont even benifit from it. And income tax is so stupid. I am pretty sure it is unconstitutional to collect income tax, You worked for it the government did so why whould they get a share. Im pretty sure it isnt

KoG Sassy Cat

Forum Junkie
Apr 17, 2009
Henderson, NV
Lol but it is very unfair. Dude and idk wyh but come on Californias number 1 crop is Marijuana but yet it is illegal . Really , Stop this tax S#@$ and start taxing Marijuana. Like legalize it already . That will sell like crazy t hus making money to the government
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