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Forum Star
Apr 26, 2014
Satellite Beach, Florida
Hello! I am TORRENTxBryOn, and I was wondering If you would be so kind as to please make me a signature for my threads in the Syndicate Forum... I am new and have 20 odd posts, but those twenty posts have been in the last two days. I understand that you need at least 50, but I was hoping that you would be able to create me one at your earliest convenience ...

I would like to have My username (TORRENTxBryOn) with the words; ("I am become Death..." above the logo, and on the bottom of the logo, I would like "... Destroyer of Worlds". I would like the background to be simple, the Call of Duty Elite logo with a Mushroom Cloud in the background. If everything could be in grey or silver, that would be fantastic

I understand if this is too much or too complicated, I will check on this thread everyday, so if there are any questions or concerns I will see them.

Thank you SO MUCH!