1.) XGC Set - Deception - Anarchy Squad Sergeant
2.) http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.6080...1&cb=1&pid=1.7
This pic of the Egyptian God Set...(or another of similar type)
I am a Wiccan also so if you could do something cool with Pentagrams and the phrase "Merry Meet, Merry Part...that would be awesomo.
3.) Dark and Hardcore Lightning.
I trust your artistic integrity and don't mind if you "interpret".
2.) http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.6080...1&cb=1&pid=1.7
This pic of the Egyptian God Set...(or another of similar type)
I am a Wiccan also so if you could do something cool with Pentagrams and the phrase "Merry Meet, Merry Part...that would be awesomo.
3.) Dark and Hardcore Lightning.
I trust your artistic integrity and don't mind if you "interpret".