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XGC Mini Me XD

XGC Ragnarok
Jul 9, 2013
As some of you might know i am a professional wrestler. I have been wrestling for 8yrs. I have wrestled all over the United States. I currently work for Micro Championship Wrestling.

I started my career 8yrs ago in Canton,Ohio. I trained at The House Of Pain Pro Wrestling School. My trainer was Joe Thomas. A little history on how i got started in Pro Wrestling.......

One afternoon I was working at a local bar doing Dj stuff and a friend of mine came up to me and asked me if i ever thought of being a pro wrestler. I turned and looked at him like he was crazy at first and then thought well i have watched wrestling all my life and always said i wanted to be a pro wrestler someday. So i said what you mean?? He said i have this friend who has a pro wrestling school and i thought you might want to check it out. So he gave me all his information on the school and stuff. I finished the night up of work and went home and thought about it. The next morning i gave the gentleman a call and told him i was interested in becoming a pro wrestler. He told me to come down and take a look at the school. So later that day i went down and checked out the school. When i walked in the trainer just looked at me and was Hi im joe. I was hey im buddy. He looked at me and was like well you didnt tell me you was a midget. I just looked at him and was like why does that matter??? He said that he never trained a midget before... I said well i can do almost anything that your guys in here can do... So we sat down and talked out the stuff we needed to talk about and i started my training 2 days later. I trained for 15 months straight 3 days a week 3 hours each day. Finally one day at training my trainer was like next week at the show your gonna make your debut. I was wow you think im ready??? He said yep its time.. June 24 2009 was the day i went through the curtain and had my first match.. and the rest is history....

I can say it has been a hell of a ride since then. I have worked for numerous company's all across USA.. the top company i have worked for was WWE.

Below i will post video's of matches i have done Feel free to comment or hit me up on the xbox im always down for gaming and chatting..