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Aviel of Grehen

Forum Nerd
Jul 21, 2016
Hi all,
Aviel of Grehen here! (Pronounced ahhh-Veee-elle of Grey Hen) I do however answer to most other near misses on the pronounciation! LOL. I've been an online gamer only a short time, since April, But have enjoyed playing and meeting most of the folks I've played with/against.
So, a little about me. I am older than dirt, a Scouter, have a lot of interests but mostly Leatherwork, movies, music and the outdoors. I spend a lot of time at Renaissance Faires, which I love, and was most definitely born in the wrong era. I live by the knight's Code and always try to treat others as I'd want to be treated.
Been married and divorced twice, my youngest was also just read in as Samurai, and is quite good. Definitely not something he got from me. His idea of a good time is following my clumsy butt around the map while I hunt him, giggling the whole time, and then knifing me as I turn to see him behind me. I am on as much as possible, though sometimes work or scouts keeps me away for the weekend. I am sure I'll see you in there!
If anyone has anything more they'd like to know, feel free to ask!
~Aviel Of Grehen