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Forum Rookie
Jun 3, 2015
Hey everyone, new to the forums here, not new to gaming however. I'm a easy going adult male, have a full time job and family. Just looking for like minded, decent human beings to play some Xbox with. I'd like to join XGC or SYN, I can be very professional and adult but can also hang with the best of them when the poo starts flinging! I try to get on every evening, playing mostly AW and MCC. Perhaps with a clan and some new found gaming responsibility I'd feel more obligated to get on more frequently. Overall, just looking to chat it up and have a good time. Make some new friends and get back into the swing of things. Thank you for your time.


Forum Addict
Dec 13, 2008
Welcome to Xiled Gaming... or at least the website side. Lol.. Iv got a few questions for ya so that I could help you the best I can. Hit me up on the xbox. I am the General of an Xbox one clan that plays COD in XGC. And if SYN is more your speed my wife is a General for a 360 clan that plays COD in SYN. So I know I can help get you where you feel at home.


Forum Rookie
Jun 3, 2015
Probably should clarify, I play Xbox One. AW and MCC are the games I play mostly. I do most of my competitive multiplayer on AW, however recently I have gotten back into MCC. I also have Destiny, Madden15, FIFA15, and NHL15. I enjoy shooters primarily, even if I'm not the best at them...I just enjoy the game and the camaraderie between fellow gamers. Back in the day I was a die hard gamer, everyday for hours on end until the wee-hours of the morning. I miss those days lol.

XGC Layzie

XG Addict
Dec 17, 2012
Juggalo Island, USA
Probably should clarify, I play Xbox One. AW and MCC are the games I play mostly. I do most of my competitive multiplayer on AW, however recently I have gotten back into MCC. I also have Destiny, Madden15, FIFA15, and NHL15. I enjoy shooters primarily, even if I'm not the best at them...I just enjoy the game and the camaraderie between fellow gamers. Back in the day I was a die hard gamer, everyday for hours on end until the wee-hours of the morning. I miss those days lol.

hey there. welcome to XG. we have a lot of clans here in our community you could go to. i have a clan named XGC MILITANT that plays COD AW and Destiny primarily. if you want i can hook you up with them to play and see how you like. otherwise i know of many other clans within our community i can get you in contact with even halo MCC clans if thats what you're leaning more towards. if you have any problems finding a clan or looking for a clan hit me up and i can help you. no matter where you choose to go.

the other good thing about our community is that even though people join a clan a lot of us still play with others in the community. so you have many of options you can choose. even though my clans play certain games i play with other clans and other leaders on different games.

contact me on here or on xbox one. which ever you feel would be best