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Forum Veteran
Dec 4, 2013
Wetumpka, Alabama, United States
Hey guys looking at layout differences between the xbox one and the 360 we all know that there are huge advantages and disadvantages to each system. I for one am loving the better graphics and enhanced game play of the XBONE but there are a few draw backs.

For starters lets look at game invites, and party chat invites, these things show up and take up a pretty nice sized part of the screen especially if a person is playing splitscreen. The problem is that there is not a way to pause a multiplayer game and check them, or join them with out either dying or getting booted for inactivity. I think we have all had problems with the change over from the request to seeing who sent it and then joining can sometimes take forever.

On top of that because some of us receive them and then some don't, we have grown accoustomed to just resending and resending, or having other people in the party send and resend. Here is the issue. Once a game invite is sent, and you are ignoring it because you are trying to finish your match then you get another, then another, you have essentially lost a lot of time in game that could have been spent doing what you were there for in the first place... WINNING.

So I have come up with a solution, this is only an idea but something I wanted to kick around with you all so no one ends up mad or quitting because someone wanted to add a few guys that turns into someone feeling harassed or forced into a game

Here it is: For starters we all have pretty much gone to party chats, while playing. so why not try to jump into a party chat first and see if that person wants to play, this is way easier plus it doesn't imped on someone else's gaming experience. If there is not a party chat, send a message. While it may not be received right away it will give the player a minute to look up and see who is trying to contact them.

If you do send a message, carry on with what you are doing, that person can respond, or hop in your party chat and say hey lets do this.

Also, I think this goes with out saying, but I know I don't know everyone that games on XGC, and I would imagine most of you only know the ones you play with, and if that be the case, when a member of a different group starts sending invites, it may get confusing, ergo I say the message system works best for this application.

I realize I am only a private, but I plan to be around for a while, and who knows maybe one day be a general or higher. The reason I am pushing this now however is because I know that while I am recruiting, and while you all are as well, we would want to bring in the best, fun loving and experience enjoying gamers, and having plans like this already up and running may make the difference between them staying and leaving.

Thanks guys