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XG Addict
May 3, 2013
36.0156735, -82.1587351

- 2.24.2016
At this point, I guess it's more of last week in SYNdicate. Ops. Anyway, last week in SYNdicate we promoted yet another Section leader in SYNdicate. Please welcome SYN xPARIAHx XS to the team. Formerly known as SYN ChadaddyKlz. Pariah was the General over SYN Nocturnal and has proven himself to be an excellent leader. Before he was promoted he split Nocturnal twice and caught the attention of all of us in the process. He has earned our respect and we know he will earn yours. Congratulations on your promotion sir!

Also SYN Wrath 7 split last week. The split brought back one of SYNdicate's original clans called "The SYNdicate". Congratulations on the split guys!

P.S. I would have put this article up sooner but my computer turned off on my me the first time I typed it up and it erased everything. #BlameTechnology&Rusty

Subterranean Inspiration

"It is the neglect of timely repair that makes rebuilding necessary." - Richard Whately

XG Trivia

Last Week's Question: What are the 8 original SYNdicate clans?
SYN CaptKirk XS was the first person to get the answer right.
Answer: SYN Pride 7, SYN Wraith 7, SYN Gluttony 7, SYN Envy 7, SYN Lust 7, SYN Greed 7, SYN Sloth 7 and The SYNdicate.

This Week's Question: What three Council members were promoted to their rank?

If you think you know the answer post it below.

Member of the Week


Everyone meet Terretzs. He is a Captain in the recently opened clan, The SYNdicate. His squad's name is Hurricane. He apparently has no interests on his Xiled Gaming Profile. So maybe not the most interesting guy in world. lol jk

Glad to have you in SYN sir, I look forward to when we cross paths.

SYNdicate Statistics
Clans: 44
Captains: 63
Generals: 43
Section Leaders: 14
Division Leaders: 5