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Feb 10, 2013
New Jersey, USA
As of right now, there are no active clans on the PS3.. we had one in XGC but it has since switched to the PS4, XGC Impact ND.. there is also a KoG clan, KoG THEMIS, that is on the PS4 but I'm sorry to say there is no set clan on the PS3 anymore.. never know new clans pop up like rabbits so if enough people want to start up another clan on the PS3 there could be one one day.. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

SYN mcSleazy

Forum Member
May 11, 2014
Keokuk Iowa
I am a sergeant in SYN Division. I am in ShockwaveCT Radiation squad. I am moving possible to PS3 at the end of the month. I have a question to ask a Leader on XBOX 360 please message SYN mcSleazy get in touch with me ASAP. MESSAGE ME WHATEVER I REALLY NEED TO TALK TO A LEADER


Feb 10, 2013
New Jersey, USA
I am a sergeant in SYN Division. I am in ShockwaveCT Radiation squad. I am moving possible to PS3 at the end of the month. I have a question to ask a Leader on XBOX 360 please message SYN mcSleazy get in touch with me ASAP. MESSAGE ME WHATEVER I REALLY NEED TO TALK TO A LEADER

Did you get in touch with anyone yet? like XGC_Mortified? he might be of some help. hes the general of the PS4 clan.

SYN mcSleazy

Forum Member
May 11, 2014
Keokuk Iowa
Problem is he is Ps4 im Ps3. So how do i go about on starting one up in Ps3. Who do i talk too! I have people interested in joining but i got to get info on starting it first.

Ps3 would be a Black ops 2 and ghost squad to start.
I will start out like any other one would. I SYN mcSleazy or SYN_mcSleazy would be General.
I wouldn't have a Captain until get him trained.
That would be GAMINGTANK which is his Username on here as well as Ps3.
Meeting wise to talk to head people i would get on my Xbox 360 until i got growth going in the Ps3 area.
My age group is 16 and older.
My Division would be SYN.
My squad would ShockAttack

Reason for it is because i came from ShockwaveCT on Ps3.
Ghost people will join up with the 360 members in SYN for clan wars.
Please let me know what you think.
My phone # is 1-319-795-2282 ( CELL PHONE )
Just text me if you can let me know it's you 1st.
Ill also need a group for my members to join.


Feb 10, 2013
New Jersey, USA
OK, just talked to a couple XSs about this last night. If you think you can do it, feel free to start recruiting and see if you cant get a squad together. I understand you still have the 360 right? you can get training from your General and XS through the 360. If you do well and get a solid squad up and running like 6-10 active members then from what I am told you can request a split to start a clan on the PS3. Its a weird process, I understand that, but regardless of your strong intentions of building up a clan as General you will need to get the proper training first and move up as anyone else would.

As far as the recruits you get on the PS3, and this should all be discussed with your General & XS to confirm, they will join your current clans usergroup until you are ready to break off and form your own clan on the PS3. Don't take this as discouraging though if you have the will power to make it happen it will. Every rank within XG comes with patience and hard work, If your willing to wait until XG sees you are fit to be a General and represent XG as part of the backbone of the community then I see nothing but good things. Even if say you were a Cpt and had a full squad ready to do a squad split and all your members were fully trained and ready to move up, a clan split would still take time as everything has to go through the proper channels.

So what I suggest as of right now is you talk to your General & XG of SYN Shockwave, tell them of your interest in restarting up the PS3 division and see if you can't start being trained for Lt and then Cpt to start a squad within Shockwave for the PS3. It has been done before, when the Xbox One first came out we had a bunch of 360 clans that simply had a squad or two on the One. Eventually they all broke off and started new clans on the One, but this is still the process for which you must travel and I wish you luck as many people have tried running clans on the PS3 and clearly you can tell there are none left. It would be nice to see that division rebuilt. If you have any further questions you know how to reach me.