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Trent Nemesis

Forum Member
Dec 3, 2012
So I suppose it has been awhile since I have posted to the forums, ultra busy :) Anyway's the only game I play more than any other is Halo 4 and I have some minor irritations that i think blogging about may give me peace of mind, so here go's....

First, last week myself and a couple of my buddies from XGC 82nd (The Hype...Please Believe) fought MLG Pros: Snipedown, Heinz and Igoturpistola in Halo 4 Team Throwdown. Now, the first issue I had was that they Completely destroyed us, and they knew parts of the map and how to manuver so well that it was impossible to use some sort of team work. I love calling out, but when Igoturpistola assinated me right when the game started I instinctively just stopped calling out....during the entire game I felt like I was running for my life and my hands were shaking, lol. You can view this game on my fileshare, my gamer tag has changed to MLG iSponsor. The sad thing is I competed against these guys in Halo 3's MLG playlist millions of times and I always wonder how people can be so good? I wish I could play every day but I wouldn't make any money, and plus my wife would probably not let me!

Second, I get so irritated when the other team has a lag advantage and they totally dominate you with the most irritating strategies like.....crouching walking with AR, only melee-ing you and the worst one.....equiping two close range weapons lik ethe shotgun and scatter shot...what sense does that make...... and after winning they talk about how good they were! I mean come on your only from Australia and and lagging terribly bad, just look at your connection, I assure you, you only won that game by default. When ever I encounter this Lag issue I either stop playing, or I use to throw the controller at my LCD.....but after paying thousands of dollars to replace them...I ultimately just quit out of the game and take my frusterations out on people in grifball.....the most unfun playlist there is :)

Third, I like when peoples ordance lands on you and your one shot. I mean really.....how does that always seem to happen. I wish you could accurately mark where your ordance lands, it becomes to much when both teams are one kill away from winning the game and an enemy teams ordance lands on you and they throw are very good grenade......thats not funny at all.

Anyways.....I just thought I would so some complaining. Ciao

SYN Gojira

Forum Veteran
Jun 23, 2012
Las Vegas, NV
Yeah. I was playing a game of CTF yesterday, I called in ordnance on the only outside part of the map. Not only did it kill me because it landed on a grenade and exploded, it then got glitched to land in mid-air so I couldn't reach my Binary.

Trent Nemesis

Forum Member
Dec 3, 2012
So....it is obvious they need to fix the ordance system, I mean what the heck..its not like you can exactly see where ordinance is going to land, one time I had ordance come in but it landed near the enemy team.......great work 343. wow sorry about the loss of your Binary :) I hate when that happens especially when you get good ordinance.