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Council Leader
Council Leader
Oct 21, 2006
XILEDGAMING.COM is run by a team of dedicated volunteers with the aim of giving a haven for good-natured discussion, debates, and fun on the Internet. It is the Individual Members' responsibility to be aware of all current forum Rules/Guidelines. Ignorance isn't a justifiable excuse, so if you aren't certain then ask first.


We moderate the forum on a common-sense basis and would ask that each of our visitors obey simple general good manners when posting on the forum.

We have a very wide range of user groups represented on the forum so please don't post excessive swears, pornographic pictures, or anything that you wouldn’t want your own kid accessing!

The moderators can and will move topics that are posted in the wrong area, and they will also close/edit topics that they deem unfit.
Warning System

The moderators will issue warnings for wrongful behavior and their decision is not up for debate!

Users may also be banned without notice or explanation from the team if we feel it is in the best interests of the community

Forum Rules

In the interest of creating a discussion forum environment that encourages active posting by both new and long-term members, we have created a "Code of Conduct" that all posters must adhere to.

  • This forum makes use of a Language Filter. Any use of Symbols, Letters, or Numbers to avoid the filter is prohibited.
  • Read up before asking!
  • This is a gaming forum. There is no room for your political or religious views on the XG website. If you want to have a conversation about either we offer unmoderated forums in our subscription area. Political or religious views will earn you a ban. Any Signatures or images containing these types of views or quotes will earn you an infraction. Any further violations will earn you a ban.
  • Use the search function before posting. Chances are your question has already been answered.
  • Respect the netiquette: Lurk and get to know the forum before you post.
  • Keep the focus: Questions outside the scope of a certain forum will either be moved, locked, or simply be deleted.
  • Be nice to each other and respect the moderator. Profanity and insults will not be tolerated. If you have a problem with another member turn to the respective moderator and if the moderator can't help you send a private message to the administrator.
  • Do not spam. No blatant advertising.
  • No warez, cracks, serials, or illegally obtained copyrighted content! Links to content of a questionable nature, asking for, offering, or asking for help/helping to process such content in any way or form is not tolerated.
  • Keep the size of personal images down.
  • No cross-posting. Post your message once, to the appropriate forum and nowhere else or it will be locked or deleted without warning.
  • Use a title that describes the content of your post. Don't use all caps or special characters to draw attention.
  • All questions pertaining to sections or use of this forum should be posted in the appropriate areas, and not sent as PM's or E-mail’s to the Administrators or Moderators.
  • Don't post just to increase your number of posts. If you have nothing to say on a certain matter then don't post. The number of posts on this board has no direct relation to the experience of a member.
  • All posts are required to be in English unless prior approval is given.
  • Multiple registrations are prohibited and are grounds for immediate account deletion. One account per person. Unless authorized by an administrator.
  • Creating a second account to attempt to circumvent an account ban is not allowed and will result in an immediate IP Ban and your IP being notified.
  • Instructions by the moderator team are to be followed.
  • Since this is a forum open to people of all ages, keep all posts PG-13.
  • You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use the Forums to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, rude, disrespectful, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually-oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.
  • You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you post the URL to the original source giving them credit.
  • Advertisements of any type, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are not permitted
  • Absolutely NO flaming. Posts containing hostile language or rudeness directed at staff or other members will not be tolerated. All flames will be immediately deleted and posters who engage in flaming will be issued an official warning from staff.
  • Adult content is prohibited. Because the forums are family-friendly, discussion or linking of adult sites is prohibited by the TERMS OF SERVICE. Links to adult content and/or posting of jokes or comments of an adult nature in either forum posts or user profiles are prohibited. All links to adult content, within forum posts, will be immediately deleted and the posters will be issued an official warning from staff. The administrator will delete adult links located within your user profile.
  • Self-promotion is prohibited. The forums are designed to be an educational environment. Posters who solicit work within threads, or who make posts for the sole purpose of linking to their own content will be issued an official warning from staff.
  • Thread hi-jacking will not be tolerated. All posters must respect the rights of other members to post questions, comments, and ideas that do not agree with their own. Please keep your posts "on topic" i.e. relevant to the subject(s) of the thread.
  • The forums have provided a "general area" for a more casual and social chat. Please keep items of interest to the community that is not related to the forum topics in this area. Any poster who makes posts or comments designed at hi-jacking or derailing any user thread will be issued an official warning from staff.
  • When you post asking for help, allow other members time to respond. Repeatedly "bumping" your post without allowing sufficient time for someone to respond constitutes spamming and will result in the post being locked.
  • Do not ask, "What's best" because this question cannot be answered objectively. Each and everyone has their own view about what's best in a certain area. The best is what works best for you!
This Code of Conduct enforces both a "three strikes you're out" policy for repeated violation of the TERMS OF SERVICE and an immediate banning policy for extreme infractions. When necessary, posters who have broken forum rules will receive an official warning from staff via the forums' "private message" feature. After two warnings, a third infraction will result in immediate termination of the account without further notice. (It is the responsibility of each forum member to check his or her PMs on a regular basis.)

Grounds for Immediate Banning from the Forums

The following infractions are grounds for immediate, no-questions-asked banning from the Forums.

Drive-by Spamming: Users who register and post for the sole purpose of linking to their own sites will be immediately banned from the forums.

Threatening Posters: Users who make physical threats against staff or members via forum posts, private messages or e-mail will be immediately banned from the forums. Posters who receive such threats should immediately contact a staff member and should save the original copy of the threat.
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