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KoG HotShot

Forum Star
Dec 11, 2006
I Don't Know
Decisions & There Consequences:

Ok guys time for a post from Uncle HotShot that is actually worth reading. Now this can apply for all of XG but right now I am only concerned with KoG. Now lately I have been seeing a pattern of events and situations accumulating and it all falls under this category in my opinion. Bad decision making and mistakes:

Ok as you all know, no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes everyone in a while so get use to it. But this is really not the problem. There is way to many bad decisions from way to many generals. Now as you progress in life decision making is either going to make you or break you, so I would get started now if I were you guys. A decision is a choice you have to make were there is usually a right choice, a wrong choice, and choice to run from your problem. And I know not every time you are going to make the right choice because not every time its going to be crystal clear. Sometimes people rush through it and think the wrong choice is best BUT that were YOU GO WRONG! Now I understand it gets hard sometimes but the reason I am STRESSING this is because I am tired of seeing people confronted with a decision and then making the wrong one because they didn’t even think about it. You have to sit and think about your options no matter what the choice is. Trust me it will help in the long run!

Another item of discussion: As a general you guys must take care of YOUR clans and YOUR clans only. You have no right jumping down someone’s throat because you think they are doing a bad job. Leave that to the section leaders. Now if a general is having trouble and ASKS you for your help that great! But other wise its NOT YOUR JOB!

Well anyways back to the topic: Decisions are the key to being a leader and to be a leader you MUST be able to make tough decisions. Now I know people make wrong decisions and that life but when you make a wrong one because you didn’t even think about it. That is unacceptable. And that’s where a lot of you generals and lower are going wrong!

Finally my last topic is power and promotions: Now we are all part of a Gaming Community right? So what is up with all this fighting? As a part of XG you should not be fighting you should be enjoying the game for what it is. That’s why it is called a GAMMING COMUNITY. And from what I see with some members you guys must think its called a Gamming Competition or something because all some of you are doing is trying to make each other look stupid and trying to be the next one promoted! And that NOT what it is about guys! Its about organizing a group of friends into the clan, playing, and having fun! And if you are trying to work for a promotion then you got the WRONG MINDSET and I suggest you change it fast because it aint helping. You are here to play, have fun, and just organize your clan and a reward for doing all that is a promotion. You don’t work for a promotion you EARN one. And all this bickering has got to stop amongst you generals. I bet not one have you can remember a time when a bunch of section leaders got into a huge fight because of something. And me arguing with sox doesn’t count because I know him personally. And Abyss doesn’t count either. But other than that I bet you cant. I mean why would anyone fight with sweet little apollyon or poor nubish 0wned. Lol just playin. But anyways see we don’t, we have fun with each other and we mess around non stop. Bottom line we have FUN. And we don’t work for promotions either! And I mean KoG is not your XBL life! You guys if you are a little aggravated or fed up, take a break! I mean even as a section leader I find that I need a break every once in a while and in fact I took one last week. How do you think I got a 35 in snipers. Me Owned and Buda all got what we needed done and then had fun! And it paid off because we all are 35 now lol, nice job team! But in conclusion you guys need to slow down relax and enjoy the game because if you think you are going to get promoted, in most cases your not. So do YOUR job and just have fun!

RGC Gunner FV

Nov 13, 2006
"Now if a general is having trouble and ASKS you for your help that great! But other wise its NOT YOUR JOB!"

thats great, i wont deny that, but even if a general is asked by another general for help, that does NOT mean you can just go ahead and help. that not for you to say nor decide. If you are asked then ask a section leader first!

and as far as fighting for promotions and competition, let me dumb this down a bit....I, KoG GUNNER XL, will probably never have a promotion again in Xiled Gaming. That is a bold statement for me to make but it is most likely the truth. And you know what? i dont even care. You all need that mindset that the ranks come but you cant expect them. All it will do is put you down when you dont get it, and make you mad at those who do get it. Thats not what we want. We do not want members who just want to go up the ranks as fast as possible, we want you all to be dedicated. Promotions come for those who worked their asses off and deserve it! But they do not always come, do not expect them to.

and i am going to have me and deadman start to hammer the section leaders over these general promotions. You all are promoting them spare the moment, thats the problem. I know its true, deadman knows it, and you all should know it but you dont seem to. Anything wrong with the generals gets linked to the section leaders. So we are going to try and stop this and fix it


Council Leader
Council Leader
Oct 21, 2006
Great post gentlemen. Question? Why can't Generals help each other? It is no different then Section Leaders helping each other. Granted there are things that a General needs to bring to a Section Leader, but when it comes to solving problems especially when it comes to drama or Honor Code violations I highly recommend Generals to work together and resolve these issues. There are only 30 Section Leaders throughout Xiled Gaming and there are well over 200 Generals, if not closer to 300 in Xiled Gaming. It is no different for Generals to get together and brainstorm these problems and vote on the resolution then the Section Leaders getting together and doing the same thing. One big difference is that there are Generals on pretty much all the time compared to the few Section Leaders being on. In a perfect world everyone would be on all the time and get things done immediately, but we all know that will never be the case. If Generals would help each other and do it as a collective group they would actually resolve a lot of issues without the Section Leaders. Now if the Generals makes a bad decision that is where the Section Leaders would get involved. Instead of Hammering the General, let them know what they did wrong and why. Explain it to them! The more the Section Leaders that the time to teach them, the better it would be for everone in the long run. What this does is gets eveyone on the same page, eliminates drama, and provides ALL OF US the oppurtunity to enjoy the game play without all the hassles.

Remember we are a gaming community, if we help each other at all ranks, it would help make our community stress free where everyone will enjoy being a part of something so GREAT!

RGC Gunner FV

Nov 13, 2006
i understand exactly what you mean.
but thats not what i meant by telling them to ask section leaders first. i should of explained it more.

what i meant is that if there is "in" clan problems that another general shouldnt get involved without permission. they can help with honorcode, rankstructure, stuff like that. thats fine. reason why i dont want them to just go and help is because it is possible it could distract them from their own clan and the section leader should be able to base that decision.

but that my view on it, i do agree with what you said though. and thank you

KoG HotShot

Forum Star
Dec 11, 2006
I Don't Know
And thats what I was trying to stress because we are having problems with generals telling eachother that they arent doing there job right and them getting involved with stuff that they should not be involved with. I mean I tottally agree with you two but reality wise not all the generals work toghther in harmony like it should be. And thats my reason for the post.

KoG Dinerbro

Dec 6, 2006
Hmmm.... more ppl should be reading this because this is one problem that still continues i XG and i thin if more ppl read then this would decrease the promblem