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Forum Nerd
Mar 7, 2017
Please congratulate SYN Elegance on his promotion to General over SYN Gotham!!

SYN Elegance was recruited October 2017 into SYN Massacre. From there Elegance quickly moved through the ranks. Finally he was promoted to captain of Allies squad where he had a mix of people from the UK and the US. SYN Elegance proved himself to be a strong willed and successful leader. After Massacre made the move to the one Elegance found himself in SYN Gotham(formerly known as SYN Equinox) where he again proved himself a great leader he was moved up to Captain of Elegance squad. After unfortunate circumstances it was up to SYN Elegance to prove himself even more and was thus promoted to General over SYN Equinox where he decided to change the name to SYN Gotham.

SYN Elegance has grown so much as a leader since I first met him. I'm excited to see him grow more as a leader. Congratulations SYN Elegance on your promotion you have definitely earned it!