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CLAN MAKING??????????

KoG Neuclear

Forum Tourist
Apr 24, 2007
can privites make clans. i just want to know and if not then what is the lowest possible rank for it to be acceptable to make a clan


Forum Junkie
Mar 6, 2007
General is the lowest rank. The only time a new clan is made is when another clan splits. A general from the clan that is splitting creates a new clan, w/ approval from a higher-up, and gives it a name of his/her choosing, the name has to be approved, also.

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
Jan 1, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
with the whole creating a clan thing... in halo you work through the ranks and obtain the rank of general... you will remain in the same clan for a while as an acting general and work with the other generals in the clan that you started in... if you are doing a good job, then you will most likely have one of a few things happen... 1. your clan will be big enough and successful enough to split and then you or one of the other generals will go to the new clan, giving you more responsibility (either with the new clan or the one you are in because a general has left) 2. we will ask for your help in a clan that is already established, but needs some work... in which case you will go there...

eventually you will be asked to manage more than one clan at a time (if you want) and this is kinda to see if you are cut out to be a SL...

simply put privates cannot just go out and make a clan... that'd be way to unorganized... at the very least generals would get a clan, but that doesn't happen to often because we have plenty of clans already for someone else to go and help with... then once ur a SL you aren't over top of any clans in particular, but you are over XG as a whole...

so technically we don't just give out clans period... you either earn one, of you work with another that need your help