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advanced warfare

  1. D


    Just wanted to introduce myself, I'm in the process of joining New Dynasty and I got to say great group of guys and gals so far. I'm a long time gamer since the atari 2600 days - that pretty much dates me - i'm old but slow. I'm on the Xbox One mainly playing AW, played all the CODs both casual...
  2. KoG Smoke

    Create a Class COD AW: BAL-27

    (Requirements) Primary: Bal-27 Attachments: Red Dot Sight (20 Kills), Quickdraw Grip (10 Headshots), Stock (20 Hip Fire Kills) Secondary: Combat Knife Lethals: x2 Semtex (Level 11) Exo Ability: Stim (Level 3) Perk 1: Lightweight Perk 2: Fast Hands (Level 43) Perk 3: Toughness, Blast...
  3. D


    Xbox One Limited Edition Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare Bundle featuring a massive 1TB hard drive and in-game sound effects, the console is emblazoned with Sentinel Task Force iconography. The wireless controller looks like an artifact from the powerful battlegrounds of the future. You get the...