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  1. KoG Sacr3d


    :o:o:o Looking for a new clan to call home, i still remember all the honor codes and such. looking for gamers to join fun in on with. i have a xbox one, bf4 bf bloodline. didn't get the new CoD because just no. waiting for the new CoD black ops 3 though teehee So hit me up with a message...
  2. KoG Sacr3d


    I got no one to play witthhh lol Add my gamertag if you wana play some halo 4;):cool::eek:
  3. KoG Sacr3d

    MW3 ANYONE??

    Whos up for some playing.. ^^?? hit my Tag up..
  4. KoG Sacr3d

    LETS PLAY!! MW3..

    Anyone on? party up?? i play w.e.. looking to make new friends in diff clans.. hit me up on my GT.. XGC Acrimonious ill be on all night
  5. KoG Sacr3d


    Hey so im a new captain, iv been told i have to take a class and so forth. but how does that come about>??? im a lil lost also.. i saw a post of it a while ago but cant find it lol.. and i know my general was suppose to help me set that up but hes been busy so yea.. and help?? or GPS...
  6. KoG Sacr3d


    Hey ppl, i need some help. If ya have a motorcycle permit/license can ya help me if you got any tips on the exam for permit such as kind of questions and so forth.. so i can study em.. hehe:confused::confused::eek::eek:
  7. KoG Sacr3d

    BLK OPS NE1??

    Just looking to play with ppl hit my GT up to play Gracias o.o! lol:eek::cool:
  8. KoG Sacr3d

    HEY... CLAN?

    Hi pppl im new here just lost with alot.. lol, wana join a clan but idk how really.. clicked on something a bit ago idk what it was lol.. im lost at this i guess.. help? lol:confused: