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  1. X


    just trying to get some ideas on a SIG im working on wondering what your favorite game is now to play or any other key interest you have?
  2. X


    I see your playing COD4 and Forza lately im buying an Elite so i'll try to get the bundel for it to get Forza for Free. Anyway hadnt played with you in a while and remember about a year or 2 ago i had joined the XGC Car Club and was wondering if you pariticpated in it still or if you did...
  3. X


    K the new generals night will be the same as the old one the 3rd saturday of the month. (for those of you keeping track thats next saturday the 19th. The game is still up for debate. anyone interested post here or PM me i have a 2ndary tag i can use or we can use one of the main leaders tags...
  4. X

    TAGS 2 ADD

    i've been in xgc almost since the start and a general for over a year and a half now i believe over the time theres been specific tags to add like everyone add XG Kn1ght XI or hylander and i wanted to know if there was a complete list for the generals i did some cleaning and accidentally...
  5. X


    yah lets get more people to join i would suggest some of the people from the -X- Elites play but they do have odd types so you need to be wary if like betrayal is actually worth + points....
  6. X


    hey this is XGC 3xceS and im a general of xiled gaming. im looking for other generals and captains to add to my friends list as most of my old general tags are no longer active and i had trouble making the last generals meeting, so if anyone has room just add me i'd be more than happy to play...
  7. X


    idk if its still big but halo pc should be up there maybe i know like 1 year ago it was a huge title that everyone played.... and all the klanwars.com stuff i was into it.... maybe add it to pc gaming section
  8. X


    idk how to really adress this or how it would be activated but i know that i own multiple great fps new releases for the 360 as well as most of them in general and i like meeting new guyz in xgc and i think if we could just get to know more players that own various titles then we could play...