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  1. K


    Hello, I am the newest general to KoG, KoG LiL Wolfy. I am the general of the new/old clan KoG Resurrected.
  2. K

    ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have been informed that there is a virus on YouTube.com that will fire you hard drive. Stay off of YouTube for a while. SPAM OUT TO EVERYONE. TELL YOUR FRIEND TELL YOUR FAMILY. TELL ANYONE WHO GOES TO YOUTUBE, Thank You, Wolfy
  3. K


    Hello all of XG. I, KoG LiL Wolfy, along with my fellow Captian, z97 MUSTANG GTt, will be holding a karaoke night. There will be 25 openings. If you are interested, Send me a message over xbox live with the name of the song you will be singing. My gamertag is the same as my user name. It will be...