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  1. XGC MiMiK

    In Remembrance of KOG Cobra XD

    I think if you described Turdz in only a few words you wouldn't have to think too hard. He was compassionate, loyal,fun, outgoing and a devious jokester. I remember when I first met him, instantly the sense of humor that he had was apparent. He made everyone laugh. He was always the guy you...
  2. XGC MiMiK

    Xiled Gaming Logo

  3. XGC MiMiK

    Weekly Warzone

    Weekly Warzone Tournament Hosted by ClanCompete.com Welcome to ClanCompete’s Weekly Warzone Tournament. The event will be held on Saturday, August 22nd, with gameplay expected to start at 8:30 p.m. eastern. Registration will consist of teams of four and we will try to accommodate as many...
  4. XGC MiMiK

    [8.18.20] Section Leader Class

    XGC MiMik XS
  5. XGC MiMiK

    XGC Apocalypse Clan Split

    Name of the Clan to be split: XGC Apocalypse Name of the General of the clan to be split: XGC D4NKD1NO Total members of the clan prior to the split: 28 Proposed Split Clan Name: XGC Supremacy Name of the General of the new clan: XGC Sticky Name of the Captain(s) of the new clan: XGC Scribble...
  6. XGC MiMiK


    Love the new website, Thanks for the New Look. So much easier.
  7. XGC MiMiK

    [DONE] Clan Split for XGC Wolfpack

    Submit a Clan Split Request using the following Template: Name of the Clan to be split: XGC Wolfpack Xk Name of the General of the clan to be split: XGC M ii M ii C Total members of the clan prior to the split: 33 Proposed Split Clan Name: XGC Redemption Name of the General of the new clan...
  8. XGC MiMiK

    [DONE] Clan Split Request

    Name of the Clan to be split: XGC Wolfpack xk Name of the General of the clan to be split: XGC M ii M ii C Total members of the clan prior to the split: 39 Proposed Split Clan Name: XGC Apocalypse Name of the General of the new clan: XGC Ravager Name of the Captain of the new clan: XGC...
  9. XGC MiMiK

    Recommend A Game With Fame

    XGC Metal XS Hi, I'm a requesting a Game with Fame with our new XS , XGC Metal XS. We want welcome her and would like an opportunity to get to know her Also requesting XGC Bucs XD to be present Thanks!!:p