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  • Can you not change the grips out? I have never owned any of the XD models and as far as the 45 goes I have or have owned 3 9mms one smith and wesson 40Cal but as far as stopping power combined with carry ability nothing beats the 45. And that reminds me again I live in Va and my permit expires next month
    hey awesome, as soon as i get on my xbox i will accept your F/R, I am glad you guys like HC, becuase there aren't alot of clans out there who play hard core!
    indeed, not because i run the "other" way, but because people who get all in a hissy over it should just keep the *censored* out of others business.
    It normally takes a couple days, keep me updated on it and i will see what i can do. =)
    Tomorrow. I couldn't get on tonight. I got home really late. I just got ready for bed and wanted to check messages first. So i'll be on sometime tomorrow. Night
    Well maybe i just like to browse. haha ever thought of that missy. lol j/k But yea we need to play some games soon. i already know what u play so i will be prepared. =)
    Saw you in the Gens meeting last night and noticed your post earlier so thought I'd check your page...then I saw your kid wearing the greatest jersey ever...good to see Auburn get represented in XG other than myself (a student at Auburn)...so War Damn Eagle!
    Yea im thinking about getting the X3 i was looking at the X4 but then i was like naw im good. lol
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