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  • Ehh. It's still red...just darker on the top and tips. Hard to tell in that pic. But I'll prob go brunette after red. I don't keep one color for long. :)
    Camel Spider? Nope... When I was in Australia staying with a host family for two nights, I decided to take advantage of the washer and dryer. The washing of clothes went as usual...but I popped open the dryer to find a den of snakes chillin inside as I was reaching my hand in to put in clothes. So of course I screamed like a little kindergartener on her first day of school....went into the house and told the guy...who called a dude who knew a guy who came and removed each snake and put them into a bag. The last snake however was a Death Adder...one of the deadliest snakes in Aussie. It was huge and pregnant. Needless to say, my clothes were hung out to dry. I'm not actually afraid of snakes. I held several Banded Egyptian Cobras. One around my neck the 1st year I was there, and then on the second year anniversary of being there I held 2. I have pics somewhere.
    OMG. You don't want to spend a night outside in the Outback. believe me....I spent a semester in college there.... There;s some scary stuff out there at night. :) Probably less scary than me though...hahaha
    I have a traveling addiction actually. I'm sure there is a medical condition associated with it...you should know. ;) But I try to travel internationally at least once a year. I have never been to Antarctica or Asia, but have been to all of the other continents.
    Wow, sounds like a blast! Well...Washington wasn't a vaca, just a weekend trip. I did however just buy tickets to Belize in July. I was in Costa Rica last August and in Italy in November. Never been to Florida though. :)
    Hey! Missin' you :) I've been up in Washington State shopping and sleeping in. However, I'm back to getting up early, working, having no money, and playing xbox. haha.
    OH! Snowmobiling.... gotcha. Totally read that wrong. What kind of teacher am I? A teacher for kids who don't read good? lmao. jk. ... I can't snow board either. look like a raccoon playing frisbee. weird. :)
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