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XGC IcyDemon
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  • Well...thats what its all about bud! Without word of mouth, there would be alot of great bands that would have no recognition and never have made it through the hard times. Its already so hard to reach success in a band and once that happens...its not as easy or glamorous as you'd think. Example...tour buses do not have showers...hmm. think on that one. So thanks again for posting!
    Thanks for posting Epica! Shes got a great voice! Very operatic with a great mix of genres tied together! Kinda reminded me of an old NES game song...Final Fantasy, I think...LOL!
    Vinnie Paul...Great guy! I seen Pantera for the Hellbound tour with Static-X. Man...they had so much fire , you could feel it everywhere in the arena. Very cool show!
    Got to check out the vid you sent me! Thanks! Its always awesome to get to meet some great people in the industry. Theres alot of really good folk out there but Im not familiar with these guys. My daughters boyfriend was over when I was checkin the vid. You got a big thumbs up from that guy! He knew right away who they were! Pretty good stuff, but just not quite the genre of Metal Im really into. We took him to see his 1st concert...Killswitch Engage not that long ago. We have freinds in Lamb of God who were also on that tour who issued us VIP's for the night. He got to meet his favorite band backstage and was given a t-shirt he now wears almost everyday!
    Sunflower Dead is actually pretty good. It seems they just can't get enough traction, because their technical ability and composition is solid. If I can find enough info I'll post them in one of my Unsung Monsters blog. If you know anything about them that could go in a bio let me know.
    Hey thanks for the Vid! Ill check that out once I get home from work. I couldnt see it yesterday. There is so much music out there, its always awesome to hear of something new.
    Honestly I don't think so I just joined the family a little over a months ago. I'm trying to fill my friends list with people from the community. Everyone I've played with so far it's been fun and good teamwork
    No prob broski but I don't remember if i've played with you before or not? If not then thanks for the add anyway bro.
    Thank stiddy. I'm working my butt off to get promoted to sergeant and I want XGC Anubis. I'm a huge fan of mythology and Anybis is my favorite of all. I'll upload a pic of my Anubis tat
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