KoG KiLo69 Jan 24, 2016 signature is done bro, pick up here.. http://www.xiledgaming.com/showthread.php?568385-SPU-For-TheDarkJoker&p=3524631#post3524631
signature is done bro, pick up here.. http://www.xiledgaming.com/showthread.php?568385-SPU-For-TheDarkJoker&p=3524631#post3524631
SYN SCOUSER Sep 27, 2015 hi just letting XGC members know who I am I'm from XGC Prophecy XK and I'm a Lt from snarf squad look me up sometime
hi just letting XGC members know who I am I'm from XGC Prophecy XK and I'm a Lt from snarf squad look me up sometime
A A Amp777 Apr 10, 2014 Sup Brosky I have updated my stuff and added a FB link, posted a blog and some other stuff.