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    I've honestly had enough, and wondering when true leadership can be implemented based on code of conduct. I can and will always remain the ran of "Private" within this type of community, but I cannot nor accept disrespect because a member feels "badgered" when I have yet to play with the individual. I tried playing with the individual in a previous game type, but the behaviors exhibited within that game type reflected he poor leadership that one needs to effectively govern a clan community that is as large as this one. Do not take this as a sign as I'm attacking a person on a very low level, but a a member that does not understand the ways in which this community is managed. Thank you for your time.

    and on I would return to, especially since team work IS WITHIN their VOCABULARY. I, myself do not play just one type of game, and found that there are MMROPG games that I truly enjoy. When my wife identified these members that enjoyed similar types of games, I was met with hostility and even fear when such members "felt that I was not speaking to them appropriately." Yes, when I purchased a new XBOX One, I forgot that I was playing a certain game under my wife's name and when sending requests to play with members within my Coldfire clan, I was told that I was being "Creepy, and disrespectful" which ultimately hurt my chances furthering my ability to play certain multiplayer games. Prior to this incident (if it can be called that). , I found that I loved playing certain types of games that my spouse did not enjoy, and was even more ecstatic that I found other people (online) that shared my passion for this type of gaming.
    Acceptance and respect is earned through months to years of training, especially training that occurs within a combat zone (an actual combat zone, not a training exercise). I am extremely fortunate to meet fellow veterans that are able to provide the essential leadership and experience needed to lead the various clans within Exiled Gaming. That being said, I've learned (the hard way) that effective leadership is not often looked upon with objectivity. The merits of one's actions not years of services should the basis, the foundations in which try leaders are found. These ideals have been blackened due to excuses of sex, race, and beliefs. Yes, the Exiled Gaming Code of Conduct provides detailed barriers that can affect one's gaming, yet it has become apparent that the skill of a player is no longer considered as a positive merit, it is an attribute that is completely ignored instead. I've been within a clan that was on the playstation,
    Honor, Courage, Commitment. These are the core values in which I try to model myself to, especially since they are the Navy Core Values. These values affect all aspect of one's life, and they should be inherit in all forms of leadership. Acceptance, rules, honor code, respect is inherent in all aspects of ones' life, but when does effective leadership evolve into a dictatorship? There are a majority of Exiled Members who have spent time in the Military, and have been deployed to areas that are unbearable to dictate to someone who will never truly understand what occurred. Those members I have the utmost respect for, and will ultimately make the sacrifice needed to ensure that goals are achieved.
    Hello everyone!!! Hope you all had a wonderful time on Thanksgiving. Looking forward to the next set of holidays. Just wanted to say that work has been a little crazy lately, so if I haven't been on till tonight, I'm sorry. Good luck everyone and I'll catchup with you all.
    Roughnecks, you are my blood and my family. I will continue to be there for you and the needs of XGC in your moment of need. I love you all and I'm so grateful for you all introducing me into xiled gaming clan. I'm hoping that my decision to go ColdFire is not held personally. I love my wife wife more than I love anything else (apart from my children) and will be there for her during her hour of need. She is my rock and my solace, and while many feel that my decision has been affected by others, I want to assure you that my decision i mine and mine alone. I've only been in one other clan, and that was on the playstation network, and have felt that this clan has given me the opportunity to grow as a gamer. I'm grateful for the opportunity that the XGC Roughnecks have given me and hope that my decision to go to my wife's clan does not reflect poorly on my recruiters.
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