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well im an old chick who likes to hit the games to de-stress.

im a madden player, call of duty, some racing, and a lil bit of fighting games thrown in. i dont really enjoy rpg games, but dont hate on them, i have played a couple, diablo iii, skyrim, and thief. but eh, the rest of the genre is a give or take. and NO i have NEVER played Final Fantasy, lol

MUSIC: most anything with a good beat, or good lyrics( i know the younger generation isnt familiar with good lyrics but hey i am old) My collection ranges from Bach and Beethoven to Eminem and Jay-Z. im a lil weird on this.. lol, one minute you will be listening to a symphony the next hearing Eminem spitting his lyrics.

BOOKS: I read a lot.. just about any genre and topic. To many to list, just ask if you wanna know

GAMES: Sports, Call of Duty, Racing, and a lil bit of Fighting games
September 30
XG Rank
Gaming Community
  1. XGC
  2. XGG
Gaming Consoles
  1. Female
Im HATED... yup im the dreaded telemarketer.... At least im the BOSS... lol



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