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  • Xiled Gaming Rank Structure


    A new recruit is a gamer who has been invited to play with and get to know the XG gaming community. This period of time is to enable the gamer to decide if XG is the right online gaming community for them. After this period of time the recruit will be voted on by their peers and asked to join XG as a private in a squad.


    The first responsibility of a private is to register at www.XILEDGAMING.com. A Private can be classified as a new member to XG. Responsibilities of a Private include knowing the Honor Code, meeting other XG members, and participating in clan matches. Your time as a Private is geared towards letting you get familiar with the XG community and the professional manner in which we play. After a private is fully integrated into the XG gaming community they may make an XG gamer tag after receiving approval from a Section Leader or higher.

    Private Responsibilities:

    Register at www.xiledgaming.com. This must be done in a timely manner or their position in the squad will be terminated.
    Learn, understand and follow the Honor Code.
    Learn and follow the rank structure and chain of command.
    Participate in squad activities.

    A Sergeant is a XG gamer who has earned the privilege of getting a XG gamer tag. As a Sergeant, leaders will be depending on you to learn game strategies and train with others in order to better prepare for clan matches. You will be expected to be an example to the Privates and recruits below you and to help them whenever possible.

    Sergeant Responsibilities:

    Follow the Honor code.
    Follow the chain of command
    Be an example to Privates and Recruits and help them whenever possible.
    Work closely with Lieutenants and Captains to learn new game strategies, attend practices and train others.

    A Lieutenant is the captain’s right hand and the first line of defense in upholding the Honor Code. You will be responsible for assisting the captain in setting up meetings and practices, training lower ranking members, and finding potential recruits. They can also run Practices and meetings when a Captain is not a present.

    Lieutenants Responsibilities:

    Assist the Captain when running meetings, practices, training lower ranking members and screening potential recruits)
    Follow and enforce the honor code.
    Be a dedicated and an active member in the squad.
    Take charge of meetings or practices is the Captain is not present.
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