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  • Haha, I saw it in my folder and I was like, "Well, why not." It always gives me a chuckle, so I figured I'd share it for everyone else.
    Haha well that is funny. I don't have a kid that has me trained yet, only when I babysit my little nephew. I am great! Just trying to find something to do online D:
    I love rock climbing also, but there aren't any places in the area that are good for it. There are rocks, check; there are also high buttes/hills, check. But the problem is that the rocks are crumbly around here (it's made of broken shale/sandstone) so I can't really do that. I wish I could, but I'll take mountain biking as a good second (there's nothing quite like riding downhill at 30 or so mph over the hard-baked desert sands).

    I was always an outdoors-y person in SC also, it's just that here it's so much more open that I can do a bit more than I could in SC. The other benefit: no humidity at all. So while it may be hot, at least I'm not sweating to death.
    No I don't design haha, don't even have the patience for it. I would be sitting there like, "Damn it! I just want to move this layer just an inch over, and it won't go!" I have made a few GIFs that I've used in the past, but the vast majority of these I just find when I'm roaming around online.

    And yeah, I go mountain biking often across the desert just to enjoy the silence and whatnot. But in the summer, there are some days I won't go outside...usually when the high is near 115. I just don't feel like having something go wrong and that's the last they hear of me.

    P.S. That's good about your depth perception. Most people have no clue (my mom, for example) just how far away some things are. "Well it's right there, so I'll just walk over to it." Yeah, it's never that easy.
    Yeah I saw the gif for the avatar and thought it was hilarious (as far as spelling, you were very close [saiyan]). Wait until you see the one I'll put up on Wednesday ;)

    I mean, I've been to big cities like NYC and LA, but it's just the traffic that keeps me away for the most part. Let's be honest, only around 10% of drivers know how to drive haha. I just can't be having a heart attack every time I get out on the road.

    Finally, in that picture, the distances are really deceptive. The mountains in the background are around 20 to 25 miles away. The homes you see near the horizon are like 6 or so miles from where I hiked up onto the butte to get the pic at. It is...uh...really sandy/brown where I live lol. Your eyes weren't deceiving you.
    I love the quiet. To be able to go just two or three miles out and then be surrounded by silence...it's amazing. I didn't always live in quiet like this, but I never have lived in a "big city" type of place (nor would I...some people I just can't stand haha).

    Where I live now:

    Nm man was just looking around at other pages and I know there used to be a XGC Exorcist but that's not me. I used to be XGC WAR back in the day.
    Yeah, we've never been as big as XGC, but I don't mind. Like I've always liked smaller towns/cities/countryside over booming metropolises anyways. haha.
    The One is doing well. We have 9 clans. Everyone is preparing for Titanfall. It's the game of the year. How's general life?
    Thanks mate, really thankful, ill speak to you later mate, i wont be on until Wednesday now because im going to London
    just added washed away by Lie Like A Hero to the playlist, lead guitarist is ScumBubble a Pvt in XGC Immortals XK Gold Squad check it out =]
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