X X XGC CAPCOM Apr 25, 2015 Dang I haven't been on here in a while. I shipped to fort benning on the 5th of January and just graduated infantry OSUT yesterday. How are things?
Dang I haven't been on here in a while. I shipped to fort benning on the 5th of January and just graduated infantry OSUT yesterday. How are things?
X X XGC Kirito Sep 4, 2014 Haven't officially done this yet, but welcome to XGC Guardians heliflopter!
XGC DELTA DULU Aug 18, 2014 what's going on brother?!? it's good to hear from you. Sorry for the late reply! - DELTA
KoG REIVER Aug 14, 2014 Sorry to here about you clan, that sucks. If you ever need some guys to game with just add me on 360.
Sorry to here about you clan, that sucks. If you ever need some guys to game with just add me on 360.
XGC DELTA DULU Mar 18, 2014 Happy St. Patricks Day! From America brother! hope your safe and doing good work out there! Represent! - DELTA
Happy St. Patricks Day! From America brother! hope your safe and doing good work out there! Represent! - DELTA