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XGC Joven

Forum Junkie
Jul 20, 2013
Waterloo, NY
I messaged XGC Ixias XS and she said she wouldn't mind if I put in my application for a freelancer that way if a spot opens up I can be considered. Thanks :)

What is your username and gamertag?

- XGC Snapple

What times are you available during the week? Do these times change often?

- Depends on work schedule, Usually always available around 10pm EST on nights I have to work which thankfully I don't work too many nights :)

What are your current ideas of events you'd like to hold?

- Game Nights, Doubles Tournament, 4v4 Tournament, Singles Tourney

If you had to describe yourself in 1 sentence, how would you do so?

- I am a highly motivated individual who loves to compete and have fun and I am very committed in everything I do.

Have you ever planned, held, or helped host an event? If so, please list which and how many times you have done so.

- Have held scrimmages against SYN NursingGirl's clan multiple clans, We are also currently planning on hosting a Game Night next Friday at 10pm EST!

If the answer to any of the above questions is "yes", what type of an event was it?

- Scrimmage, Game Night

Are you interested in being a Freelancer or Full-Time?
(Freelancer allows you to stay in your current clan & be part of the events team. If you choose full-time you will be required to make a divisional transfer to XDC.)

- Freelancer

How long have you been in XG? Please also list whether you have left XG and returned, or not.

- 4 months and 4 days as of 11/24. I have not left XG at all in the past, It is my first time in this gaming community

What division and clan are you currently in? What is your rank?

- Division: XGC
- Clan: XGC United
- Rank: Lieutenant

What is your main reasoning in wanting to join the Events Team?

- My main reasoning behind wanting to join the Events Team is I am highly interested in doing things to help out the community and what better way to do that then to host events where the various members of the community can come together and compete/have fun and get to know one another. It is a great to network with other members in the community and it also appeals to my competitive/fun nature, as an event can easily be created or I can help someone create one that satisfies either need and i know there are people that share the same nature as myself. I am looking forward to moving up in this gaming community and really leaving my mark here and every little bit helps..

So if you all have a spot for a freelancer now or in the future, I really hope you consider me to join you all. It would be an honor.

What do you hope to accomplish if accepted?

- I hope to accomplish playing a little bit bigger of a role within the community. I also hope to accomplish learning how to set up things that I haven't yet and setting up events with the other members of the team that can really promote activity between the members here in the community whether it be on a competitive or recreational level!

Did someone recommend you to the Events team? If so, who?

Nope. Saw it myself and figured I would apply for a spot :)

Thank you for your time and consideration!

- Snapple
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