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SYN General Promotion- SYN Spicy


XGC Pantheon
Dec 10, 2019
Everyone please join me in congratulating SYN Spicy on her promotion to General of SYN Zero Day.

Perseverance is defined as, “Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.” SYN Spicy has defined perseverance in this community. Within her time here in SYN she has had many successes and failures. The best always learn as much or more from their failures as they do their successes.

SYN Spicy joined the XG community as a recruit in July of 2017 with SYN Nemesis. From there, she transferred into SYN Xiled Kings and quickly worked with her leadership to rebuild that clan and recruited quality people like a person possessed. One of those people is my friend and colleague, SYN Chief. For this, I cannot thank her enough.

There was a rough patch during this time and SYN Spicy took a break from the community. After coming back and rejoining SYN Xiled Kings, she worked her way up to General. After dealing with quite a bit of adversity, she looked at leaving again. Thankfully, SYN TakeHim XS convinced her not to leave and she transferred in to SYN Valor. Here she would thrive under attentive leadership, taking the lessons of previous failures and applying them toward her new goal of being the type of leader this community deserves.

SYN Spicy joined SYN Chief as his Lt and eventually took over the role of Captain when he was promoted to General of SYN Valor. As Captain she built a squad that was as intent on Clan success as it was the Division and Community as a whole. She has continued this into this recent clan split and her promotion to General of SYN Zero day.

I have thoroughly enjoyed watching your development as a leader from afar and eventually having the privilege of working directly as your Section leader. All the best to you and your leadership over in SYN Zero Day, SYN Spicy. I have no doubt that you will maintain and grow a clan that others will want to model their clans after.