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KoG Daidan

Jan 24, 2017
Hey guys, this article is going to be on an interview I had with KoG x BugZ XS. Before I get into the actual interview, I want to give you guys a little back story on why I chose BugZ to interview, and why I think he deserves recognition above others.
Around the middle of last year I was a General on the 360 division, in a Section that had a clan named Inferno, who was slowly dying. I watched as the Leadership gave up, and stepped down time after time. Then I seen a young man step up, turn it around, and made it thrive. That young man was KoG x BugZ XS. He then did something that inspired me, and made me want to be apart of it. He focused all his attention on making sure that all the original clans were reopened. Not many people put the Community first like he did, and that is why I chose him for this interview.

1. Give me a brief summary of your story from Recruit to XS.
Recruited by SYN x Dovahkiin into Inferno. Worked my way up to General, did a split over to the One and reopened Lust 7. Did a couple more splits later, but stayed in Lust 7 until he got promoted to XS.

2. At what point did you know you wanted to move up to XS?
There wasn't really an exact point. It just came up one day and here we are.

3. What makes you stand out among the other XS'?
We're all one of a kind, but I would say it's my ability to bring people together.

4. What would be your strongest and weakest attributes, and why?
Weakest is that I pay too much attention to detail and some say that it takes up too much time. Strongest is letting everyone have fun, and just game.

5. How many members are in your Section?

6. Who are some of your role models within the Community?
Alot of people in the Community have helped me. All the XDs for pushing me to do better. KoG Drifdar XS is definetey one for everything he has taught me. Another is XGC KARMA XC for giving me different ways to look at the Community, and always putting my members first. SYN KayKat XD for always beng there, and guiding me in the right direction.

7. Explain your thought process during your transition from the 360 division to the One.
First thing I thought was that this is so much easier and less drama filled. Easier to be on a more up to date console, and good to be off the DinoBox.

8. Tell me one time that you thought you might fail the Community.
When I first took over Inferno and we were struggling. I was constantly second guessing myself.

9. What are your future plans in the Community?
Keep promoting growth, and having fun.

10. Name one thing that you would change about the Community, and why.
Create a PS4 division because it's a popular console, and would be good to bring in members.

B1. What made you decide to reopen the original clans?
One of my current Generals asked me if I would rather better the Community by reopening the originals, or do it for myself and open a random clan. That's when I realised I wanted to focus on getting the original clans reopened.

B2. (Question that BugZ requsted to ask me). What made you want to join the News Team?
I love to write, and had been debating on joining for several months, but I needed to get everything straight in real life first. After I got everything fixed, I sent a message to KayKat asking if they needed anyone to do game reviews. She replied that they are always accepting people, and here we are.

Alright guys, hopefully this gives you a better insight on BugZ, and lets you understand him a little more. I feel like he was a little nervous through the interview, so some of the answers wasn't completely in detail, but it gives enough to know that he is someone who will always be there for anyone in the Community. So, if you're going through a hard time and need someone to just listen and give advice, go to BugZ. Whether it's community related, or personal, he will always be there, and pushing you to be the best you can possibly be.

Hope you guys enjoyed this interview, and I'll see you next time. Peace!

Since the time that this article was written, KoG x BugZ XS has since transferred his section to KoG from SYN. Since the transfer, he has been promoting his same ideas and values in the division and has been helping a once-struggling division thrive to be better. Congratulations to you and your section on your transfer, BugZ!
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