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Forum Nub
Nov 15, 2016
Just wanted to say Hey!!!

I play many games so if you see me on anything feel free to join up or if you need one more I'm always happy to help!!

as a sidw note, I just found out Seananners is making a site and giving away a chance to play with him, https://wn.nr/DmTA9m
so if that intrests you, go ahead!

otherwise, I'll see you on the battlefield, Or in New York, or wherever!!

XGC RyuHayabusa

Forum Junkie
Feb 17, 2014
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Just wanted to say Hey!!!

I play many games so if you see me on anything feel free to join up or if you need one more I'm always happy to help!!

as a sidw note, I just found out Seananners is making a site and giving away a chance to play with him, https://wn.nr/DmTA9m
so if that intrests you, go ahead!

otherwise, I'll see you on the battlefield, Or in New York, or wherever!!

what games do u play??