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I'm a former member of Xiled Gaming and used to be a Private in clan KoG. Unfortunately, I've gotten removed from the clan for inactivity due to circumstances given dealt. I might be coming back to XiledGaming and give it a real shot either in clan XGN or SYN.

I'm considering on starting my own youtube channel soon for Black Ops 3 and GTA5 online.

I could seriously use some support and subscribers. (As many as possible actually.) I'd really appreciate it a lot. If interested, follow me on Instagram: LoneWolfxLW

You can also search me up on Xbox One if you wish to play together sometime.
Gamertag: LoneWolfxLW

Thank you so much and for your time!
Best prayers, wishes, and regards to you all. <3

P.s. Those of you that follow my Instagram will be notified about my Youtube channel within time. (Patience is a virtue)
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