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Forum Star
Feb 6, 2015
Please congratulate BluEyedXbeauty on her promotion to General of Shipwrecked. She started in July 5, 2016 in Shipwrecked. She was an asset, very good with communication, an avid leader and started moving up the ranks. She became a lieutenant May 21st 2017 and did not stop there she continue pushing forward in achieving all the goals and respect of the members. She was promoted to Captain on July 17th of Erebus Squad. She took her Captain's class ran practices, held meetings , and was a very dedicated captain , trying to make every member to have a good gaming experience. She was promoted too General on 12/2/2017. I am not worried about her moving up the ladder more when that time is right. Congratulations.


Forum Star
Jul 6, 2016
Fresno, CA
I want to thank everyone but most importantly I would like to give my whole gratitude to SYN KRISSY XS and SYN BUFFALO XS, I would not be here if it wasn't for you guys and the outstanding Leadership that both of you showed me and instilled in me, my Mentors have taught me a lot and are still teaching me and YES the biggest key to my and so many others success is communication if you don't have it then you will be in the dark most times, so please remember and see how far you can get with that Key Value. Love this community and everyone that I have met and gotten to know, keep up the Great Job XG...so many would be lost without you guys....