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XGC Sin Vu

Jul 15, 2013
1) Event Name: Minecraft "Purge"

2) Area Or Game To Be Held On:
Minecraft Survival

3) Console To Be Held On:
Xbox 360

4) Date & Time:
November 03, 2014 8 p.m. Central

5) Is This A Recurring Event:
Yes, Mon. - Sat. 8 - 10 p.m. Central.

6) Hosts:

7) Mass Message:
For everyone still on the 360, XGC Sin Vu and SYN EMINENCE XS are hosting a Minecraft "Purge" world open to anyone in Xiled Gaming. Open Mon. - Sat. 8 - 10 p.m. Central. Details on the website and listed in-game. Direct all questions to the host.

8) Event Layout (Maps, Game Modes, Time limits, Etc.):
Read Below

9) Special Rules or Regulations:

10) Other:

For everyone still on the 360, XGC Sin Vu and SYN EMINENCE XS are hosting a Minecraft "Purge" world open to anyone in Xiled Gaming.

Here are the rules:

1. All players must be a member of Xiled Gaming in order to participate. Players outside of Xiled Gaming must receive permission from the host.

2. Killing and stealing are illegal in this world. Violators will be kicked from the server or ordered to pay restitution to the victim. This is determined on a case by case basis.

3. Every Saturday from 8 - 10 p.m. Central, there will be a weekly Purge. All actions listed under rule 2 will become LEGAL for 2 hours.

4. In-Game Gamertags are always on. Purge days are the only exception to this rule.

5. All houses has to be easily visible on Y:64 or ground level, whichever is higher. All houses are limited to 48 long x 48 wide. No limits on the height or depth of your house.

6. Houses and a 16 block perimeter are sanctuaries. No usage of TNT or destruction of property allowed inside other people sanctuaries at anytime.

7. Trespassers enter at their own risk; homeowners are armed and licensed to kill inside their own homes.

8. If you must use someone's farm or animal ranches, use common sense. Leave everything either in the same condition or better than you found it.

9. Build your own place. Everyone needs a place to call home.

10. Alliances are allowed, even encouraged. However, both the host and co-host are neutral.

11. During the Purge, both the host and co-host will stay in their place. Both will be guarding treasures and can be considered heavily armed.

12. Players must attend the Purge at least once a month in order to continue playing on the world.

13. Usage of Ender Chests are not allowed at anytime.

14. Players may not tame wolves. Ocelots are acceptable.

15. New people to the world may receive a one-time welcoming gift of a quarter-stack of wood and iron and a full stack of food. After that, no more free help will be offered. To receive the welcome basket, players must make a pilgrimage to the southeastern part of the world.

Feel free to join during the hours listed below and any other time you see XGC Sin Vu on Minecraft.

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Saturday: 8 - 10 p.m. Central
Sunday: Closed