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XGC DeadlyQueen

Working mother of two boys. Gamer, care taker, lover, friend.

I became engaged to the man of my dreams on September 9th, 2017. He just so happens to also be a part in XGC.

I started playing with XGC about 2 1/2 years ago. I never really wanted to be in a clan because for me gaming was about stress release and having fun. However in March of 2016, I finally joined. I was recruited into Unrivaled, and promoted to Sergeant. In June of 2016 I had to go inactive because I no longer had an Xbox One. I stayed active in the kik chats because I grew close to all my XGC family and they always had my back when things got crazy.

In November I finally got a new Xbox One and transferred to hellfire, mostly because a lot of the people I play with are in hellfire, or were before I went inactive. I love my XGC family, it's amazing what the world of gaming can bring to your life.

My children, movies, tv shows, reading, gaming, comic books, photography, cooking, cleaning, swimming, football, driving, being outside, card games, laughing, enjoying life.
XG Rank
Gaming Community
  1. XGC
Gaming Consoles
  1. Female
