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Rei Shirinai

I'm a normally quiet person, even though I know how to have fun. I play Call of Duty 4, Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X, Ace Combat 6, Rarely Halo 3, Left 4 Dead, Rock Band 2, and Naruto: The Broken Bond. I can get very competitive, but I know my limits. Currently, I'm apart of the XGC's LookOut Clan in Call of Duty 4. I hope to get to know you all. Please, add me if you wish, I rarely decline an invite.
Updated: After playing with the XGC guys for the past 5-6 months, I've become more active in communication, and learned to be more of a leader. As a Captain of the Rebels clan, a split off clan from the Lookout clan, I can say that I consider XGC a family to me. Props to all my clan mates in Rebels! :D

Playing games
Hanging out
Being on a team
Kicking Gnomes
Mar 31, 1990 (Age: 34)
New Jersey
XG Rank
Gaming Community
  1. XGC
Gaming Consoles
  1. PlayStation 3
  1. Male
Tow Trucks


luck is temporary

skill is eternal


^^ many thanks to wick3dang3l ;o

-xgc rebels - captain
commander of zero squad