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Recent content by MrsParadox760

  1. M


    Hey everyone, I know there are soo many clans in this large family that we have here. Add my Mrsparadox760 and lets get our clans in a game together and have some fun. send me a msg on xbox live and let me know who you are and what clan you are so I can make sure youre not someone bugging me...
  2. M


    Hello everyone, Please dont be upset because I have spent the last 45 mins trying to find the post where I can ask someone to design a new sig for me. I went to the design team thread and didnt see anything that said I could request a new one. If someone can point me to the right direction...
  3. M

    I'M BACK!!!

    Whats up XGC members! Just letting everyone know that I am back and ready to shoot the bad guys. I am not part of XGC LOOKOUT, thank you to the best General ever XGC NEWENGLAND! Fo get about it!!! :P Send me a friend request if you wanna game. I play HC TDM or HC Dom...