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Mister Oates

I'm big into film. I'm attending college right now to get an associate in film. Currently I have only a couple of Music Videos under my name.
MyHeroIsMe - Rated R for Rambunctious (Grip)
IWrestledABearOnce - See You in Shell (Actor/Grip)
Both videos can be looked up on Youtube. I'm in the bathroom scene of the IWrestledABearOnce music video, taking some kids money in exchange for them to see panties.

Film making
Listening to Music
Playing Music
Using Netflix (Love it)
North Carolina
Gaming Community
  1. XGC
Gaming Consoles
  1. Male
AVCompany Technician
Don't Worry About It


~mister oates ("don't worry about it")
is there any drug more beneficial than cannabis in the united states?