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Recent content by I Six I

  1. I


    Recently I have been writing a few articles on what I feel is necessary to the formation of the untimate team. I started with covering communication, and from there will expand to tactics, leadership, and trust. My general, as well as serveral captians within my clan (XGC Backfire), were...
  2. I


    Shout Cast is the program that you use to make the radio station ( http://www.shoutcast.com/ ). I hear its realy easy to set up so that sounds like a good idea for someone to do.:) -Six
  3. I


    If you wanted to have more than four you could probably just put two together in paintshop and save it as one image, but I don't see why someone would need more than four. I hate it when someones takes up half a page just to have some picture that should really be resized to be smaler.