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CGE BioNexus CA

Im part of the Muttz. Im normally a funny stupid and lovable character. As long as Im not rubbed the wrong way. Feel free to bug me anytime on the forums because my Tag is usually full. If theres anything left out feel free to try and fill in blanks with your own opinions.
I'm a former member of XG and if my presence on the site pisses you off.. my apologies.. but to many friends are here for me to leave >_>

Hockey eh? lol, most sports, Vidzzzz yay and the occasional partay here an there :)
May 18, 1989 (Age: 34)
A place where life is scarce and people few..
Gaming Consoles
  1. PlayStation 3
  2. PC
  1. Male
Restaurant Manager


general of xgc empty clip


my clans: kog demented, xgc killtacular, xgc ambassador, xg ambassador, xgc good game, xgc flashpoint, xgc empty clip
my names: bionexus, biohavok, xgc bioinfinity, biotastic, and xgc biolysis

xiled muttz