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Forum Nub
Feb 28, 2007
Knowledge S(i cant remember) Intergrity

look as i read through these forums i see alot of misconceptions
now im not here to stir up ****... but i do want to correct a few things.....

1 KSI people dont hate us.... they just believe that they will get kicked out if they are caught associating with XGC

2 belive it or not ive spent countless hours in a party talking to NATAS ..... i asked him myself..... why do u dislike XGC...... his response.... i dont... i dont even care about XGC... i have more things to deal with then whining about XGC.... i dont care if they exist or not.

3 its the dls in KSI that are butthurt about XGC members and say if ppl are caught talking to XGC members they will be booted... not natas.... he recognizes that there are ppl like that in his clan

4 honestly most of teh tension still held up... believe it or not is kept by XGC members.... granted there is ppl in KSI that will talk **** to ppl in XGC... but dont ppl in XGC and XG in general do teh same..... dont deny it u know its true

5 ive played with a ****load of KSI members... and if they dont boot me first and i talk to them they will see how kick *** i am... and keep playing with me..... as a matter of fact i stepped into a party with nothing but KSI members... teh first thing i hear is who let that XGC *** in here..... bott that ***... guess who happens to be teh party leader and chimes in..... NATAS... he told that guy to shut his ****ing mouth.... i was like whoa.... yea he was like he didnt come in ****talking... i dont want any of u to then

XGC Unbroken

Forum Junkie
Dec 9, 2006
well if our member are talking trash they shouldnt be because it is against the honor code. many people get the misconception from hereing ksi hates us so they think we hat them as well


Forum Nub
May 9, 2007
oh... idk about that carona it might be... but i asked natas and thats what he told me.......

look everyone can lead teh misconception that members of XG as a whole dont talk **** but face facts.. u know they do,..... u know they talk **** if a KSI member says something... we all do.. no real point in acting like we dont

its even gone so far as a KOG person talking **** to me on my XGC tag... saying XGC is garbage..... (he didnt know we were fromn teh same clan).... douche......

regardless we all know that certain KSI members will talk crap... no different then what certain XG ,member will talk crap... ive talked to many KSI members and some are really cool

XGC Halodaddy

Forum Star
Dec 10, 2006
actually no we don't talk crap. we are not supposed to and if anyone who cares about XG finds out they will get a warning at least.
If Natas told you ksi stands for that integrity stuff it is not the real natas.
I know for a fact it stands for killing services inc. If you or anyone in XGC or KoG want to talk trash i suggest you ask for a transfer to SYN before it is to late.

Darth Macious

Forum Nub
May 11, 2007
why was that guy banned... he was just helping.... wasnt somebody saying something about people being welcome to this site as long as they didnt start crap

just asking oh and i talked to the real natas myself his tags are

(i cant remember exactly how his NATAS tag was spelled but he told me the same


Forum Nerd
Mar 29, 2007
My personal opionion about KSI is that not all of them cheat i have had the chance to play with quite a few excisting members and they are pretty down to earth and yes talk trash while playing but nothing stops them from doing it, personaly i have only run into a few that seemd to be ... we will say upset with me for being in xgc, but i have also run into quite a few that are cool guys, also a few that left and still hold the tags are cool, so to all the xgc players out their don't freak if a ksi guy pops up in matchmaking, talk to him be cool, and well lets hope its not one of the guys that likes to cheat to win


Forum Veteran
Apr 12, 2007
Rhode Island
yea most of them are really cool when you talk to them but alot of times you get *******s and then **** goes down and then you leave

XGC Phoenix 31

Forum Nerd
Apr 14, 2007
A Land Down Under
SOME KSI Members dislike XGC because our council leaders broke off from that community to form XGC. There was a big movement of some KSI members who went with the Council to start XGC which caused a small decrease in numbers for KSI which is not really a big deal.

Xx Mr Bill xX

Forum Junkie
Dec 10, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Meh, whenever I see a KSI member in matchmaking I treat them like I treat every other player, I pwn them :p . Sometimes I get **** from them, sometimes not. I suggest just muting them if they start talking trash, it will only aggravate you if you try saying anything to them at all. But I have met some cool KSI guys, most of them won't play with me because they say their clan will boot them if they see that.
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