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Dec 11, 2006
With the underpants gnomes
agreed... i agree with the fact that it sucks that smokers get breaks... but i wouldn't suggest starting smoking just to get those breaks... it will benefit you in the long run

I wasn't going to start smoking

I don't even particularly like standing there. I just hate how smokers get the option to just stop working whenever they want to feed their addiction

I don't get to pull out my phone and surf the web for 5-10 minutes whenever I want


Jul 3, 2009
I dont like that smokers will light up when they are right next to you. It really makes me mad, how they cant take a courtesy few steps away.


Forum Noob
Dec 3, 2009
Las Vegas
It doesnt really matter just think because you dont go out every hour and smoke in a couple of years you will be the one that can still walk down the street and not be out of breathe. Where they will have to take a cab because they can not walk that far


Carpel Tunnel
Feb 13, 2008
Salem, Mass
It's actually depends on the business you work for, Some allow it, some don't. I know its a way to blow of steam and relive stress, It helps but also is a killer to your health and everyone around you. I smoked for 3 months and quit easily, its kinda my pet peeve, but I understand why people do it.

KoG Cross

Forum Veteran
Jul 2, 2009
well jangles, I have to say you make an excellent point. Also, another thing that I hate is how smokers smell like pure smoke. Like this kid on my bus, (Im 16, He's 18), he smokes at the bus stop everyday, but he consistently wears the same jacket that he smokes in and it smells horrible. See me, I wear body spray and it smells good, but when I get on that bus...it damn near instantly smells like smoke. Sad, because my parents smoke and everyday I tell them to stop smokin the coffin nails...but it just doesnt get to them..they shouldve learned because I lost my grandfather to lung cancer..being the fact that he was a heavy smoker.

Inked Ivy

Carpel Tunnel
Oct 7, 2009
Auckland, Aotearoa
The teacher at my school are like this. They go out by the gate and smoke everytime they have a break or free period etc. Its so hypocritical because they give detentions to any students who go to the exact spot and smoke too.

Any way, my parents are also to smoking themselves to an early grave but i hate that they feel they can kill me with them. Any time im in the car they'll light one up. My father even tried to at one of my soccer games but i spazzed at him and hes never allowed to come to one again anyway lol.

KoG Unstable

Forum Nub
Apr 2, 2009
I don't smoke, but my pet peeve is watching smokers get taxed into oblivion and then severely limited as to where and when they can smoke. With the exception of reasonable places (like hospitals) let'em smoke where they want and when they want 'til their lungs turn black - we need all the tax revenue we can get!!!


Dec 11, 2006
With the underpants gnomes
I don't smoke, but my pet peeve is watching smokers get taxed into oblivion and then severely limited as to where and when they can smoke. With the exception of reasonable places (like hospitals) let'em smoke where they want and when they want 'til their lungs turn black - we need all the tax revenue we can get!!!
You cleanly passed over the risk smoking has for not only the smoker but the people around them. I'd rather not die from lung cancer because the guy at the desk next to me is a chain smoker and I end up inhaling the equivalent of half a pack from the all the second hand smoke

KoG Unstable

Forum Nub
Apr 2, 2009
Here's the thing about that - do your research. There has never been an unbiased study done on smoking and it's effects. It's exaggeration. Our air is polluted with so many things already. Ever watched the contrails come out of an airplane? Where do you think that stuff ends up? How much exhaust comes out of all the cars in the world? How much poison do factories emit out of their smoke stacks? What about all the other toxins leaked into the ground or placed into landfills (things like paint, motor oil, etc.) or the other miscellaneous waste products created by the many many MANY various industries out there? The process of tanning leather, the process of bleaching paper, things like that all make a significant impact. What about all the stuff related to our food, whether it's the chemicals used on our plants or the hormones and other additives given to the animals we consume? Ever seen one of the reports done on tap water? Most of it contains anything from pharmecuticals to minerals to, and I'm dead serious here, mild levels of radiation. All that adds up. Smoking is an exaggerated scapegoat.

Personal Example: My father smoked like a chimney since he was 13. He died of prostate cancer which had metastasized throughout his body. Six days before he passed he had just recently undergone another scan - his lungs were the least affected, and the cancer had only shown up in his lungs earlier year. Mind you, HE HAD CANCER FOR 12+ YEARS. He never had a problem breathing, and smoking most certainly did NOT kill him.

Be careful what you believe when it comes to scientific research. Statistical data can (and often is) manitupated to say something that the raw science might not be saying. Fact. I wish it wasn't...

So, again, it all comes down to personal choice. Let smokers so what they want and where they want (within reason) ESPECIALLY if you're going to tax them blind.


May 31, 2009

Not that they smoke, but smokers get to take 5-10 minutes per hour to go and do nothing but kill their lungs. As a non-smoker, if I were to stand outside every hour not doing anything I'd be criticized and called lazy by my coworkers. Is this fair? Should I take up smoking so that I too can enjoy a "do nothing time" every hour?

Hey now, I use my cig time productively. LOL Thats when I make calls to my vendors, reply to emails, schedule meetings, etc... Though I see what you mean.

As far as these ridiculous taxes go, sure I understand how some of this goes to medical services for those indirectly affected by smoke, but now that politicians are using this revenue to support other unrelated programs, thats just BS. I dont mind paying higher taxes as long as the moneys getting to the people it was actually designated for.

My pet peeve would be bad drivers. I could get into the details, but bad drivers pretty much sums it up. I wish road-rage were legal

XGC Sader

Forum Junkie
Oct 27, 2009
Stuttgart, Arkansas
but I thought the point of this is that smokers get breaks from their jobs and nonsmokers do not...

My pet peeve would be bad drivers. I could get into the details, but bad drivers pretty much sums it up. I wish road-rage were legal

yeah I hate this too. and slow drivers that drive 1mph under the speed limit...COME ON!!! AT LEAST DRIVE THE SPEED LIMIT LADY!!!...and idk if birds do this as often in other states but I hate it when birds are on the road then one car drives to them and they fly away then straight back to where they were and then I am about to drive into them as they land and then they fly away at the last second making you think they are going to ruin your windshield...(wow thats a long run-on sentence)...stupid birds...:mad:


Carpel Tunnel
Feb 13, 2008
Salem, Mass
ha Black, Be realistic though. Stay away from cigarettes. I am 17 and my girlfriend got me to start smoking and got hooked pretty quick, Luckily I also was able to quick very easily.


Dec 11, 2006
With the underpants gnomes
Here's the thing about that - do your research. There has never been an unbiased study done on smoking and it's effects. It's exaggeration. Our air is polluted with so many things already. Ever watched the contrails come out of an airplane? Where do you think that stuff ends up? How much exhaust comes out of all the cars in the world? How much poison do factories emit out of their smoke stacks? What about all the other toxins leaked into the ground or placed into landfills (things like paint, motor oil, etc.) or the other miscellaneous waste products created by the many many MANY various industries out there? The process of tanning leather, the process of bleaching paper, things like that all make a significant impact. What about all the stuff related to our food, whether it's the chemicals used on our plants or the hormones and other additives given to the animals we consume? Ever seen one of the reports done on tap water? Most of it contains anything from pharmecuticals to minerals to, and I'm dead serious here, mild levels of radiation. All that adds up.

Exactly why I don't want to add another persons cancer sticks into my lungs. I already absorb enough toxins, I don't need smokers adding to it