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XG Addict
Dec 28, 2007
Winter Park, FL
I've already sent this to our own Section Leader, as well as the Division Leader, but I'm also posting it here just to make sure I can get some answers soon.

Let me start from the beginning:

About 6 months ago XGC CRLocky stepped down as General of XGC Reloaded. A month later, the captains decided that KONVICT 112079 would become the new General and the clan would become a dual-game clan (Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4).

I became the captain of the Call of Duty 4 squad and the other captains set out to build up the Halo 3 side of the clan.

Unfortunately, due to inactivity from myself and within the clan, my squad has failed to grow and has pretty much collapsed. However, I figured the Halo 3 side of the clan was doing alright (because I hadn't heard from any of them in months), so I tried to keep things together on my end.

But now it seems that I will have to step down to become a Sergeant once again because of the workload within my own life.

It took some time, but I was able to track down one of the former Halo 3 captains from Reloaded, and I found out that Konvict stepped down as well some time ago, without appointing a new General. The other captains became discouraged and left XGC one by one.

*SIGH* So pretty much, Reloaded's leadership has collapsed, 98% of the members are inactive or have left the community without telling anyone about it, and I have 4 or 5 active members within my own squad that have nowhere to go after I step down.

I would like to transfer myself (as a Sergeant), along with whatever active members I can gather together, to a different clan and consider XGC Reloaded a dead clan. I think it's the only way to keep the few active ones from leaving the community for good.

Please let me know what my options are.