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Dec 31, 2011
Rank Structure-2021

Every member of Xiled Gaming are expected to conduct themselves according to the Honor Code, treat gamers and members with respect and dignity, recruit fellow gamers to the community, and utilize the chain of command and open door policies for ideas and issues.

Following are the responsibilities of each rank:


A Recruit is a gamer who has been invited to get to know the XG community. They undergo a week-long trial period, enabling the gamer to decide if XG is right for them, and giving the clan time to ensure the gamer will fit in with them. After the trial period, the clan will vote on whether or not to accept the Recruit into their group.


Privates are new members to Xiled Gaming. As such, time spent as a Private is geared towards getting to know the clan, the community, and the professional manner in which we play.

Private’s Responsibilities:

  • Register on our website, www.XILEDGAMING.com, and join your clan’s usergroup.
  • Continue getting to know the clan by meeting other members, learning the chain of command and participating in clan/squad activities and meetings
  • Continue getting to know the community, learning the Honor Code and Rank Structure.


Sergeant is the official "member" rank of XG. They've earned the privilege of choosing an XG gamertag and are expected to serve as a quality representative of the community, both in-game and in their clan.

Sergeant’s Responsibilities:

  • Remain active, consistently gaming with squad and clan members and regularly participating in clan activities, events, and weekly meetings.
  • Behave professionally, serve as a role model for newer members, and assist leadership in the acclimation and training of Recruits and Privates.
Lieutenants are the Captains’ right hand; a clan’s Captains-in-training.

Lieutenants Responsibilities:

  • Work closely with your Captain to prepare for the next rank.
  • If, for any reason, the Captain is unavailable, be prepared to step in to assist with the management of the squad.


A good Captain must possess the following qualities: leadership, the ability to positively reinforce the XG infrastructure, sound decision making, and dedication.
Captains oversee all aspects of a single squad, the basic unit of a clan.

Captains Responsibilities:

  • Prepare your Lieutenant for the next rank by training them to fulfill your responsibilities.
  • Host a weekly squad meeting/events/game night to ensure that your members remain active and engaged with the squad, that squad issues and goals are discussed, and that Recruits are evaluated and voted on.
  • Enforce the Honor Code, and handle any issues that arise in your squad.
  • Maintain a squad list, updating it, at minimum, by the 1st and 15th of each month.


Generals are the backbone of XG and should be respected by all XG members. As a General, he/she is a role model for the Captains and all the members of his/her clan.
Responsible for overseeing all aspects of a single clan, as per the XG Clan Structure Guidance.

Generals Responsibilities:

  • Work with Captains. Ensure they are properly trained to uphold their responsibilities, manage their squads effectively, and handle issues and enforce the Honor Code. Speak with them regularly to discuss squad activity, their development and the development of their Lieutenants.
  • Attend mandatory bi-monthly leadership meetings to keep up-to-date on community information, and host weekly clan meetings to pass along necessary communication from upper leadership and ensure that clan issues and goals are discussed.
  • Communicate issues to higher leadership that are warranted.
  • Maintain the clan’s Discord channel and clan list and updating it, at minimum, by the 1st and 15th of each month.
  • Submit gamertag requests to Section Leaders for approval.


The Section Leader position comes with many responsibilities, such as being directly responsible for running multiple successful clans. As a Section Leader, you are a role model for all Generals in your section. By accepting the rank of Section Leader, you are making a commitment to be a fair and responsible leader.

Section Leaders Responsibilities:

  • Oversee all aspects of a section (group of clans). This includes, but is not limited to, attending clan meetings when possible, approving transfers and XG gamertag requests, preparing clan splits, and handling any cross-clan issues that may arise.
  • Work with Generals. Ensure they are properly trained to uphold their responsibilities, manage their clans effectively, and handle issues and enforce the Honor Code. Speak with them regularly to discuss clan activity, their development and the development of their Captains.
  • Attend mandatory bi-monthly leadership meetings with Division Leaders to keep up-to-date on community information, and host mandatory bi-monthly leadership meetings with Generals to pass along necessary communication from upper leadership and ensure that clan/section issues are discussed.
  • Facilitate community communication by serving as moderator on both the website and the XG Discords, which means deciding what is or is not appropriate and giving warnings to offenders when the platform rules are violated.
  • Communicate issues to higher leadership that are warranted.


Division Leaders are responsible for specific Divisions (XGC, KoG, or SYN. ). A Division Leader serves as a role model for all Section Leaders and the entire division. As a Division Leader, you will be working closely with Community Leaders to make decisions that affect your Division as a whole. Communication and decision making are the two most important qualities of a Division Leader. Often you will be pulled in many different directions so it is imperative that you exercise good judgment and patience. A Division Leader will deal with many stressful situations and must be fair but firm, and represent the best that XG has to offer. A Division Leader must display sound judgment and decision making in all aspects of his/her online interaction. As always, good communication is the key to success.

Division Leaders Responsibilities:

  • Oversee and coordinate the Section Leaders. Ensure they are properly trained to uphold their responsibilities, manage their sections effectively, and handle issues and enforce the Honor Code. Speak with them regularly to discuss section activity, their development and the development of their Generals.
  • Work with peers to make decisions that affect the division as a whole and evaluate Generals for promotion.
  • Identify and train new and upcoming leaders.
  • Host and prepare notes for bi-monthly leadership meetings with Section Leaders to give them up-to-date information of community news, events, and promotions, and discuss other divisional/community issues.
  • Approve, complete and follow-up with the divisions' clan splits.
  • Serve as an Administrator on the XG website. Keep current on admin work to ensure the division runs smoothly, and enforce the Forum Rules and Guidelines where necessary.
  • Communicate and document, via leader log or plan of actions, all major incidents, disciplinary actions, and leadership progress.

Community Leader (XC)

Community Leaders are responsible for XILED GAMING as a whole and all divisions therein. Community Leaders are the role models for the entire XILED GAMING family. Community Leaders are responsible for helping the Division Leaders with decisions pertaining to their specific Divisions in the community. Community Leaders must display sound judgment and decision making in all aspects of their online interaction.

Community Leaders Responsibilities:

  • Oversee and coordinate the Division Leaders..
  • Work closely with The Council of Leaders to ensure all decisions are fair and to police any favoritism or questionable decision making that could negatively affect the community as a whole.
  • Work closely with the Division Leaders to oversee all activity within his/her Division, and to ensure that all clans are playing and operating in a professional manner within the community honor code, rank structure, and forum rules.
  • Keep an open line of communication with all the Division Leaders and hold meetings to communicate the direction of the Community as well as decisions made for the community.
  • Randomly check all new/split clans to ensure the rank structure is in place and that the new clan is succeeding.
  • Be an Administrator on the website, which means enforcing the forum rules and guidelines by giving infractions or banning offending members. Monitor other Administrators/Moderators to ensure no abuse of privileges on the website are being abused. (Excessive banning, threatening members with a ban, etc.)
  • Evaluate Section Leaders for promotion to Division Leader

The Council of Leaders (XI)

The Council of Leaders is made up of the founding members of XG. The Council works within a democratic structure voting on what is best for all of XG. These ideals keep the community from being about one person’s quest.
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