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Forum Member
Jul 14, 2007
I work some much that when Im done and home I get on xbox for a few hours to do clan work nd play games im always buying new games but besides that I go fishing sometimes when Im working cause I have time like that sometimes with my job were I have to wait around for customers, also I love movies I consider myself a movie buff I know a ton about movies I know trivia, when every new movie is coming out, ive seen every new trailer that comes out, and I cant wait for award season when all the nominated movies come out. I got this great app on my phone that gives me all the new movies that come out nd tv shows so that keeps up to date with everything, its called ShowBox if your interested in that im pretty sure its not a legal app I downloaded it from a link sent from a friend its only for Androids you can't get it on IPhone's.
Also when im off work on the weekends which I work Saturdays so I only have off that night nd Sunday. So on Saturday nights I go out and do my thing that I cant go into on here.
Also when I get time in the summer I go play sports wit the boys football, baseball, and mostly handball. Im mad nice in handball and I pitch and play quarterback I got good accuracy.
Also and finally I like to write and type and get into detail about my writing as you can tell, besides what I type on this website this is just something I enjoy doing and I do it on the website all the time. I would also like to start writing movie articles, and reviews for the website or something along those lines. Just an idea that I have floating around in my head.