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XGC Buffy XD

Get A Life!
Jul 20, 2015
Thornton, Colorado

Want to learn some more about XGC Mystogan XS? He's currently putting his heart and soul into grinding on Call of Duty Black Ops 4. I got the chance to sit down with him and pick his brain between matches of HC S&D and HC Domination. Read on if you want to find out his favorite movie which you've probably never heard of, his favorite singer, and all about his XG clan history, and much more!

Standard Questions
What was your very first gamertag?
Jason JSLA1016

Tell us your Xiled Gaming clan history since you were recruited, up to where you are now as well as who recruited you.
XGC Phantom XD (formerly XGC Lamia) recruited me into XGC Apocalypse in June 2014 – I made it up to sergeant there, and then after that we split off into XGC Ground Zero where XGC Lamia was promoted to general and I became a captain. Then I split off Ground Zero and made XGC Underworld where I was general, and after being general for a while I got an Xbox One and became general over XGC Adrenaline where I was eventually promoted to Section Leader.

What are a few characteristics that you believe every leader should have?
1. Understanding – the ability to see different points of views, so that when you are in a situation you’re able to see all sides and perspectives of the situation.
2. Self-driven and motivated – they shouldn’t rely on someone else to drive them.
3. Interpersonal skills – if you don’t have people skills or communication skills, you shouldn’t be in leadership.

What advice would you give to someone who wanted to move up into leadership?
Reach for it – if the position isn’t available, you need to create it for yourself. Don’t expect to wait and hope for it to come to you, you need to make it happen yourself.

What has been your most memorable moment in Xiled Gaming, and why?
We used to play Kill Confirmed custom games, and you would drink if you died and again when your tags were picked up. Some of the old game nights we used to have on Call of Duty, specifically BO1/BO2, back in the day were some of the most fun I’ve had.

What is the one thing you try to stress to all gamers in XG?
Keep your nose clean. Honestly, it is what you make of it. You get out what you put in, if you want to do things go do it, don’t wait for someone else. Take initiative and you’ll go far.

What is your favorite thing about Xiled Gaming?
A lot of the members I don’t necessarily see as just gamers, I see them as a friend and as part of the family. Sometimes I get upset, but at the end of the day the choices that are made are for the better of the community.

What was the first game you ever played?
Super Mario Bros and Super Mario 3 on the original Nintendo.

What made you want to move into leadership?
Initially I did not want to. I wanted to just game and have fun, but then I wanted to be able to do my own thing and host my own stuff, which is why I wanted to become a captain and eventually a general. I wanted to make a difference and create a happy environment for all gamers in the community.

Has anything in the community impacted your real life?
If it has, it’s been in making me a better leader in real life and professionally. Some of the things I’ve learned from people in the community, I’ve applied it and used it in real life.

Has anything in your real life impacted your life in the community?
I went to school to become a leader, so that has helped me in the community as far as leading and training leaders underneath me.

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite retro game? (Before Xbox 360 era)
Oregon Trail.

If you could meet one person, living or dead, who would you want to meet?
Jason Statham. I have to watch every movie he’s in, I just can’t help myself. Him and Adam Sandler are my top two.

What is your favorite movie of all time? Movie you’ve watched the most?
Shotas – it’s a Jamaican gangster movie with absolutely nobody famous in it. I watch it at least four times a year.

Favorite singer/band?
Eminem. Hands down.

Community Questions
Who is/was your biggest influence in the community? Why? (from XGC BUCS XD)
XGC Tantaliz XC – because she’s awesome. She’s been there every step of the way, even when I wasn’t her general, she was still there and is good with pep talks and knows how to motivate me without being negative. She’s always been that way and I strive to stay on par with her and right now I’m quite behind, but she does a lot and always has been interested in making the community the best it can be.

What is your favorite Pokemon? Or do you prefer Digimon? (from XGC SHEA BAE)
Charizard is my favorite original pokemon.

Do you think XGC Buffy XS is lame? (from Weasel699)
Yes. No. We’re gonna go with no on that one. That’s an easy no answer.​


Forum Veteran
Jul 7, 2016

New promotions and training.

Now that most of the squads have been right sized, as per the Clan Structure requirements, training the newly promoted members needs to take place. Also moving forward, as we have mentioned over the last past few weeks of notes, recognition and training of future leaders needs to always be one of the priorities of the clan's leadership. Having someone say that they don't have anyone ready or anyone wanting to move up is a sign that this part of the responsibilities is not being attended to in the appropriate manner.

General's Classes

If you have a general that needs a class at a specific time or day of the way, please pass that information up the chain of command or have that member message an XD with their schedule. We can make arrangements to meet the needs of the members in these situations.

Captain's Classes:

Many new captains have been promoted as of late. This means more classes will be made available so they can get the core fundamentals they'll need to run a successful squad moving forward. Make sure your captains are aware of these classes and how to sign up for them on the website.

It should also be noted that taking the captains class is not the only training needed. The learning processes never ends. Be sure that you are seizing opportunities to grow your clan members by providing continuous opportunities to expand their knowledge and leadership skills. So as a general, you should be working closely with the captains and future capts to get this training done. Also remember that your XS is there to help you.

Dealing with issues:

When dealing with issues be careful in jumping to conclusion with only a portion of the information. We have to remember to give people the benefit of the doubt. It's easy to lose sight of that over time. We don't always have to be suspicious or skeptical right away. We need to be patient and get all the details before we form an opinion. Sometimes things are also just as they seem and that will prove out once all information is gathered.

Holiday Break:

Christmas and New Years is here again! Remember, this is a time where members can be distant and sometimes unresponsive due to traveling and family, so patience is going to be needed. There are no meetings required until after the new year but try to communicate with your members as best you can and hold games nights to keep activity up. Also I'm sure alot of people will be getting new games over the holiday so let's not forget the recruitment opportunities. Overall, be safe, have fun with family and friends and enjoy the holidays!!

XGC Buffy XD

Get A Life!
Jul 20, 2015
Thornton, Colorado

Missed XGC PENGUIN XC's game night on Black Ops 4? Check out his interview below to learn a bit more about the NHL loving community leader!

Standard Questions
What was your very first gamertag, and how did you pick it?
SleepyPenguin. Back when Halo 2 was out on the original Xbox, I wanted to try Xbox Live and back then it was always an adjective and then an animal as the standard gamertags. I had put in a couple gamertags that it had said no to, and then I asked for a list of options and it gave me SleepyPenguin. The reason I kept Penguin was because everyone I played with shortened it to Penguin and it just stuck after that.

Tell us your Xiled Gaming clan history including when you were recruited and by whom, up to where you are now.
007 recruited me on Call of Duty Modern Warfare. I was brought in because I was running a big portion of the clan I was in at that time, where I was an Overlord. In Halo 2 days, being Overlord was a big deal. I was brought in as general over XGC Delta – I then split into Xiled Kings, XGC Tango and XGC Dark Knights. From there I was promoted to XS. After a little stint of inactivity I went over to SYN and opened SYN Ambush, and worked my way up again, all the way to where I am today.

What are a few characteristics that you believe every leader should have?
  1. Ownership – whether it's good or bad, you own it one way or another.
  2. Dependability – if people can’t depend on you or count on you, you won’t be sought after.

What advice would you give to someone who wanted to move up into leadership?
Be around. Be here. Strive to be who you want to be, associate with the people you want to be. You learn from the people you surround yourself with.

What has been your most memorable moment in Xiled Gaming, and why?
Being promoted to XC was the most memorable moment, just because it brought me into all areas of the community instead of being in solely one division like before.

What is the one thing you try to stress to all gamers in XG?
Have fun and if you aren’t having fun, you should let somebody know. That is the reason I joined and why I have stayed.

What is your favorite thing about Xiled Gaming?
The people. Without the people it wouldn’t mean anything. People keep the community interesting and fun.

What made you want to move into leadership?
I saw things being done wrong and I knew that if I stepped in I would do it correctly. I also saw that people weren’t following the intent of the community, and I wanted to change that as well.

Has anything in the community impacted your real life? And vice versa?
I have made many friendships including friends in real life that I’ve hung out with, even longer than some of my real life friends.

What is your favorite color?
I do not have one.

What is your favorite retro game?
Megaman X.

If you could meet one person, living or dead, who would you want to meet? What would be the first thing you said to them?
Thomas Jefferson. He was a bit more fiery than George Washington. More of a douchebag, more my style. First thing I would say to him would be “How the hell are ya? “

Who is your favorite singer/band?
Luke Combs.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Pizza – pepperoni and mushroom with extra cheese.

Final Words -
Happy 13[SUP]th[/SUP] birthday Xiled Gaming!


Dec 10, 2018
i like the questions and answers given "What advice would you give to someone who wanted to move up into leadership?
Be around. Be here. Strive to be who you want to be, associate with the people you want to be. You learn from the people you surround yourself with. "
Ive been in leadership b4 i came here and this is one reason why i strive to do my best and meet as many leaders above me so i can learn and know the connections. thanks for the interview in to your gaming life and some personal bits .

XGC Buffy XD

Get A Life!
Jul 20, 2015
Thornton, Colorado

Want to learn some more about SYN LadyRebl XS, the Sims loving, horse riding, country music loving section leader? Keep reading and learn about her favorite singer, her tips for being a great leader, and more!

Standard Questions

What was your very first gamertag?
XxKatieBugXx18. The number 18 was my number in softball from Middle School & High School, and I go by Katie in real life.

Tell us your Xiled Gaming clan history including when you were recruited and by whom, up to where you are now.
I was recruited into SYN Supernova under SYN KayKat, who was my general when I joined. Cluster, Fat Jesus, SYN Vader XS and SYN iSykosis were the people who all together convinced me to join. I was originally in Elite Squad under SYN Orbital. He split out of Supernova and became the general of SYN Titans, and I then become captain of Immortals Squad where I split out and became general of SYN Serenity. About 4 months after I was promoted to general, I did a clan split to SYN Erebus where SYN Vader became general of the new clan. Shortly after that I was promoted to XS and I’ve been XS ever since, for about a year now.

What are a few characteristics that you believe every leader should have?
  1. Being patient – not everything will ever go your way all the time. You’ll never get the same thing every time you deal with an issue and patience will go a long way when solving issues.
  2. Understanding – sometimes things happen and it’s out of everyone’s control. These things happen and you just learn to roll with it.
  3. Critical Thinking – make the best decision and think about the long term when doing so.

What advice would you give to someone who wanted to move up into leadership?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions and figure out why you are where you are. Put yourself out there and be confident in what you have to say and in any decisions you make, no matter what. Be outgoing, not shy!

What has been your most memorable moment in Xiled Gaming, and why?
When I was promoted to XS. I had run out of Xbox Live and one of my members bought Xbox Live for me, and that same night I was invited to a BO2 lobby with Karma, KayKat, Retro, Sappy, Jordan and Eminence. I thought that Eminence was a female because of his name and nobody ever used gender pronouns when they talked about him, so I found out that night when he talked that he was definitely not a female. That was the most memorable, but there’s been so many memorable moments it was hard to pick.

What is the one thing you try to stress to all gamers in XG?
Real life comes first. It always has and it always will. If someone can’t understand that, they should probably reevaluate their life.

What is your favorite thing about Xiled Gaming?
The community as a whole, because we’re all in different divisions but at the end of the day if people come at us or anyone in XG, we unite as a community together. We’re a big family at the end of the day.

What game were you recruited on, when joining XG?
Black Ops 2.

What made you want to move into leadership?
When I first joined, I didn’t even think about being in leadership, I honestly didn’t think I was going to be on Xbox more than 3 months. I had just bought a 3-month gold card and then when it ran out I thought I was going to be done. After time went on and I realized how much I was enjoying it, I got approached by SYN Vader XS and he said I really show leadership potential and wanted me to become a leader in the clan. He said he saw how people always wanted to come talk to me, and he was impressed by how much I put myself out there. And the rest is history.

Has anything in the community impacted your real life? And vice versa?
I really struggle with self-confidence outside Xbox, and I notice now that when I go out, I don’t know why, but being where I am has given me a confidence boost and I find myself holding myself a little higher in public and being able to make eye contact with people. Vice versa, I’ve made friends in the community that I consider real friends, who I’m friends with on Facebook and who I call by their real name instead of their gamertag because of what good friends we are.

What is your favorite color?
Blue! Plus black. Any shade of blue.

What is your favorite retro game? (Before Xbox 360 era)
Assassin’s Creed & The Sims.

If you could meet one person, living or dead, who would you want to meet?
Brett Eldridge. He is a beautiful specimen and I want to marry him.

Who is your favorite singer/band?
Garth Brooks.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Carne Asada tacos from Super Taco. No cabbage.

Community Questions

How many naps do you take in a week? (from XGC BUCS XD)
I used to take a nap every other day, like 3-4 days a week. Recently I haven’t napped at all, for probably about a month and a half now since I started school in January.

What's your favorite color horse? (from SYN Lewd)
Sorrel – it’s a reddish gold color.

How many horses have you had? (from SYN Lewd)
I have personally never owned a horse. I’m around them all the time but haven’t ever owned one myself.

Why is Sims one of your favorite games? (from SYN Lewd)
I don’t know, it’s a relaxing game and I enjoy playing it.

Do you prefer Cheetos? (from SYN Lewd)
Only if I can have them in my mom’s basement. **(For details, ask SYN LadyRebl XS on Xbox)**

What has been your biggest inspiration in XG, be it a member or an activity, etc? (from SYN Metal XS)
My members, there’s a lot of people that look up to me and I want to keep going and not let them down.

Is it bad luck to name your horse “Dog Food”? (from XGC xTFLEMx XI)
I wouldn’t say that it’s bad luck, but you would definitely get a lot of weird looks from other horse owners…

Does your chewing gum lose its flavor when you stick it on the bed post overnight? (from XGC xTFLEMx XI)
I don’t stick my chewing gum on the bed post overnight?

What is your favorite flavor of poptart? #poptartevolution (from SYN Stiddy)
The only ones I like are S’mores. They are the only ones I will eat, cold or hot.

What is your drive to continue to push as a leader? (from SYN x Brave)
I’m not a quitter. I’ve never given up and don’t plan on ever being oen. I’ve worked so hard to get here and I enjoy XG so much, I just want to keep helping to make it better.

Have you always wanted to become a leader, or did it grow on you? (from SYN x Brave)
I never wanted to be a leader until someone said I would be good at it. I’ve even been told my whole life that I’m a natural leader, but I never knew how much I would enjoy it until I got here.

Closing Words:
Stay classy, San Diego!

Come join XGC Buffy XS and SYN LadyRebl XS for February's Game with Fame!
Where: Call of Duty - Black Ops 4
When: Saturday, February 16th @ 9pm EST
How: Message XGC Buffy XS for an invite!


Forum Veteran
Jul 7, 2016
[h=2]Meeting notes for 2-17-19[/h] Today, 09:01 PM
2-17-19 Meeting Notes

Section Updates and Leader Logs--When it comes to Section updates and XG Leader logs these need to be updated on a regular basis when things go down in your section such as promotions, demotions, drama, game nights, the success in your clans ect, having every little detail is important especially for leaving a paper trail. If you need examples on the the difference between a update and a leader Log please hit up a XD.

Name Changes--Section leaders should not be deleting old name change request until they know the person has had there names changed on site. It makes it hard to find if xs approved names by have to check every deleted request to find names

Goals-When discussing or establishing goals for the clan or for your leaders, you can talk big picture but when it comes to establishing a plan of action you need to be able to narrow down the expectations to specific goals. For example, if one of your goals is to provide more training during Clan meetings, a narrowed goal could be to cover 2 articles of the Honor Code per week.

Check out out the Contribution page on the website, https://www.xiledgaming.com/vbdonate/index
All the funds raised will no back towards website upgrades and/or tournament prizes.


Forum Veteran
Jul 7, 2016
All Sergeants are equal, none are above any other sergeants in the community. The applies to all ranks. We have a Rank Structure in place for a reason. Recruit, Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, General, Section Leader, Division Leader, Community Leader & Council are the only ranks we recognize in Xiled Gaming as a whole. Also from the rank of Lieutenant through council we are known as “Leaders”, not “Officers”. Make sure this is known across the boards that we will not recognize the term Officer or any unofficial form of Rank in the community.

Reading In Recruits:

The general has the discretion to determine what members are able to read in new members based on their training. Training should prepare the member to be able to familiarize the recruit with Xiled Gaming (Honor Code, Rank Structure, Division Age Requirements/Gamer Style, etc.), their clan and the process for registering on the website.

Help Desk Refresh

When posting threads in the help desk, there are a few things to keep in mind for each section of the help desk.
Request Login Name Change
Members must post their own login name changes in this forum.
1. If it is a name change that includes XGC, KoG or SYN in front, it must be posted in the section leader's forum and approved, or the request will be denied.
2. If it is a name change without XGC, KoG or SYN, there is no approval needed.
3. Ensure that the template at the top of the forum is used or the request will be denied.
Request New, Update or Delete Clan
When posting requests, please note what is being changed either by including it in the thread title, or highlighting the specific parts that are being updated by changing the color of the text in the post. Anything that is staying the same can be marked as No Change or left blank when copying and pasting the template into the thread.
Request For Clan Member to be Added/Removed
When adding or removing members, only the general or XS is allowed to post that request, and must also follow the guidelines below. Spelling must match the name the member has registered under on the website, so make sure when new members register on the website that they spell their username the same as their gamertag to make things simple (including numbers, spaces and special characters).
1. Add requests:
a. Members must be on the clan list and be the rank of private before the add request will be completed.
b. Members cannot be in more than one clan usergroup, so if a member is being transferred from one clan to another, a removal request must be done to take them out of the clan they are transferring out of first.
2. Removal requests:
a. When doing a removal, be as detailed as possible about the reason, such as transferring to another clan, left the community due to personal reasons, inactivity, etc. This helps the research team when members try to come back and whether or not a Grass Wasn't Greener application is required or not.

Training Tools-

Other than on-the-job training and rank specific classes, do you know where to find other training material to assist you as you strive to be a better leader in XILED Gaming? On the website under the Leadership Development Team forum is the Leadership Tools sub-forum. https://www.xiledgaming.com/forum/xi...adership-tools. In this forum there are threads that provide useful information for privates through XDs. There are threads on basic info everyone should know about the community, recruiting, splitting clans, micromanaging, running a clan, so you want to be a section leader, and many more. Some of these articles were written when the community was founded and they stand the test of time, as the core of the information is as relevant today as it was then. However, I would caution that there have been changes in the community, so make sure that you ask questions about anything that is different than what you have heard recently.

Another great place to find information (for generals and above) to help you be an effective leader is in the XG Bible, https://www.xiledgaming.com/forum/xi...d-gaming-bible. This is also the area where you go to post any questions you may have about any procedural issue. The questions posted are reviewed and answered by the XC/XIs. So as a general or higher, if you have a question about why something is done the way it is or if you need clarification on an issue, first look in the previous bible post to see if the topic has been addressed, then, if it has not, post your question there. It is recommended that each general reads all of the bible entries, then check back frequently to see if anything new has been posted.

Take sometime to review both of these area and you will find a great amount of information that is going to make you a better leader and to be better prepared to run you clan successfully.


Forum Veteran
Jul 7, 2016

We would like to remind members who navigate the website, about the trending channel and the way it works. This feature operates based on "likes." We want to encourage members to like posts that are important to them or useful and gain the popularity that they deserve.

Discord Communication:

Discord Gen-XS and Gen-XI chats have been added to the XIled Gaming Leaders server. The purpose of creating these channels is to provide another way for communication throughout XG's leadership. The chats are for you, as the general/XS to use whenever you have a question, suggestion, idea, etc. You are encouraged to bring up and speak freely about any issues or questions presented in said chats. These chats will also provide you with an opportunity to get to know more of your peers and the other leaders in the community, and help you lay the network foundation as you continue to grow in leadership. We strongly encourage ALL generals to join the chats. If they aren't sure how, please hit up your XS or an XD and we will make sure they're added.

The XG Discord server is the only official XG server, any secondary discord servers such as a section Discord, or a clan specific Discord, are not policed or monitored by leadership other than the owner and moderators in that server. All issues that arise will need to be handled yourself. Additionally, game boards and other channels that already exist within the Xiled Gaming official server should not be duplicated within other servers to encourage all members to utilize the official XG Discord.

Clan/Squad Lists:

Clan and squad list are to be re-posted by the first and fifteenth of each month. Please remember to go through the forums shortly thereafter and delete old posts to keep the forums clean and easier to navigate and read.


Remember while being a member of Xiled Gaming you are expected to uphold a professional gaming demeanor at all times. There is no reason to be yelling at other members, messaging in all caps or trash talking other members in the community. We are all here for the same reason, to have a group of people that we enjoy gaming with every day. Remember the golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated.

Generals and Squad meetings:

Generals, it is your responsibility to communicate to your Captains that they need to run the Clan meeting if you are unable to, and it is also your responsibility to run a Captain's squad meeting if they are unable to hold it as well. If you cannot make the weekly mandatory Generals meeting you must inform your Captains so that one of them may take your place to receive the notes for the week.

Returning Members:

When anyone approaches you about returning from inactivity, or returning from leaving the community, you must research their story prior to adding them back into a clan usergroup. Check for the removal request to see what was stated, if there isn't a removal request please verify with a higher up on if the member needs to post a Grass Wasn't Greener application or not. Generals, please ensure that members who are still pending in the Grass Wasn't Greener are not being added to your clan list or usergroup until their application is approved.


Forum Veteran
Jul 7, 2016

Login Issues:
When a member has a problem with their login (IE: they can't access the website or wrong password, forgot their username was changed) do not tell the member to sign up on the website again, bring it up the chain to get it sorted out.
You should be aware that under no circumstances are you allowed to deny
a member a transfer out of the clan unless the member is a problem/issue and a threat to the community.
You must acknowledge the members wish to go somewhere they feel they would feel more comfortable or fit in better with like minded gamers.
ALL transfers should be handled within 24-72 hours!
Communication is vital to establish relationships with your fellow peers as well as other leadership inside and outside of your section.
If things are not communicated thoroughly or properly, issues can arise as a result.
Essentially, it's the key to success in every aspect as we have been encouraging you as leaders to do time and time again.
Respect/Sportsmanlike Conduct:
No matter what clan, section or division you are apart of, you need to treat everyone with respect no matter the circumstances you are put under.
This goes hand in hand with acting professionally as a leader.
You should be holding yourself to a higher standard when it comes to how you present yourself to members and other leaders in the community.
Game Nights:
Minecraft game night on Saturday 3/30/19 at 9 EST.
Please contact XGC Juic3 XS or KoG Anastasia for an invite.
Leadership Classes:
Advanced Generals Class being held by XGC ACE518 XD on Saturday 3/30/19 at 9 Est.
Please sign up on the website if you still need this class.
Captain's class being held by XGC Mini Me XS on Saturday 3/30/19 at 10 pm Est.
Please sign up on the website if you need this class.


Forum Veteran
Jul 7, 2016
03-31-2019, 08:33 PM
Clan and Squad List Updates:

Generals you must ensure that you are posting your clan list beforethe 1st and 15th of each month in a timely manner. This must be a reply to the thread, not editing their post. Posting the list up to 3 days prior is acceptable, rather than posting late. If you know you'll be out of town or unavailable when it's due, it is better to be early than late. Also take care to remind your Captain(s) that their Squad lists are also due by these dates as well and that they must update them in a timely manner too, if they do not post their squad list on time it is your responsibility to post the squad list for them.

Recommendations for Promotion:

Although there are requirements that need to be met in order for someone to be considered for promotion, there are other things for you to consider when you are recommending said person for promotion. We're not saying they need to be absolutely perfect, as nothing ever is, but they should be set up for success by you. Do everything you can to ensure their success. Your job does not stop when your prospect has been promoted. Help them, give advice, and train them to be successful! They are the product of your leadership training, and should be treated as such. Also, look for the "it" factor in your leaders. There are people who make their it factor known without even realizing it and there are others who have no idea what their it factor is. Help them find it if this is the case!

Clan Activities

There is nothing worse than a clan that recruits members and then does nothing with them. As the General you run the clan, so it is your responsibility to ensure your clan is active and gaming together. Plan and schedule different events your members can participate in. The more you provide for your clan the better your clan will be.

Clan matches against other clans are another way to have your members participate and meet others throughout the community, as well as matches against the X-Team or the King of the Kill competition hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC.

Making Tough Decisions

If you are in XG leadership, there will come a time when you will have to make a tough decision for the betterment of the clan. That decision could be whether to demote someone, transfer someone, remove someone from the community or various other issues. There are a number of tools to help you with this decision and you should utilize each as the situation warrants. There are the rank structure, promotion requirements, and clan structure that you can use to determine if someone is doing the job that they voluntarily accepted. These should be used in the training of future leadership and also to hold them accountable for the position. You also have your peers and the leadership of XG (use your chain of command first) that you can discuss any issue with to assist you in your decision making, along with the XG Bible. Sometime the toughest decision can be to have that initial conversation when things are not going in the right direction. As the leader of the section/clan, you have to be proactive to make sure that the well being of the other members are not negatively effected due to the actions, or lack thereof, of someone that you need to have a conversation with. Do not let an issue linger until the options are limited to the most extreme choice. Take initiative, have a conversation of what the expectations are, what the job requirements are, and what is expected from that person, and from there, your choices will be greatly improved.

Section Wars:

Clan wars are being discussed going community wide. Hopefully with the relaunch of Pwnzone. A big congratulations to SYN Blurry XS and his section for winning SYN Section Wars this weekend. We want to put some fun competitive games back into what the community started on many years ago. Spoiler alert: clans play clan matches.

Game Nights:
Grand Theft Auto V
Monday, April 1st @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Keaton & XGC Juic3 XS

Call of Duty: BO4
Thursday, April 4th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: KoG Anastasia & XGC RedneckGurt

Call of Duty: BO4
Friday, April 5th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: SYN x Brave & XGC Mystogan

Leadership Classes:
Captain Classes:
Thursday, April 4th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by: SYN Metal XS

Saturday, April 20th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by: KoG LOTUS XS

Generals Classes:
Intro to Generals
Friday, April 5th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by: XGC Coop XD


Forum Veteran
Jul 7, 2016
Reiterate the guidelines on how they are done and by whom.
XS to XS,NOT XS to Gen, Gen to Gen etc].
Lack of knowledge or laziness can lead to issues with the leadership both above and below us.
Teamwork and Communication
We are all supposed to be a team, but teams can't work together if there is no communication.
So, if an issue arises between peers and you choose to brush it under the rug but hold on to the resentment then it creates friction.
Without communication there is no teamwork.
There can't be one without the other, these two things both go hand in hand.
Modding/Manipulation of game play
Section VIII of the Honor Code goes over manipulation of online play as in gaining an unfair advantage in online play as well as other stuff, please keep your members informed that using a special controllers or XIM adaptor to use mouse and keyboard (on a game that doesn't natively support it, which is damn near every games on Xbox) is against our honor code.
They also have mod packs that attach to the back of the controller which allow for rapid fire that they sell at Walmart which isn't allowed either.
Once again a reminder that clans need to keep there issues within there clan to themselves.
take your clans problems to someone else's clan!
This only causes extra drama that is not needed.
Building your leadership pipeline

For your clan, and the community as a whole, to be able to have positive growth, we need to have a leadership development plan in place, which we do.
Most people probably think that this training starts at the captain level when the first "leadership" class is offered; however, if everyone is following the rank responsibilities, promotion requirements, and clan structure guidelines, you will notice that the leadership development starts from the rank of private.
Below are two of the Private's responsibilities from the rank structure:
Learn, understand
, and follow the Honor Code.
Learn, understand
, and follow the rank structure and chain of command.
Notice the words learn and understand are used and not just be able to locate and read.
So it is more than just knowing where to find the Honor Code and Rank Structure and be able to read them to a new recruit, but there is a responsibility to have knowledge regarding them.
So how are they to get that knowledge?
The number one priority of Generals and Captains is to get recruits and privates to the rank of sergeant.
That means more than making sure they get promoted after their two weeks at private.
It means that leadership development begins at this level by providing the foundation of knowledge that every member needs to understand what sets Xiled Gaming apart from every other gaming community, the Honor Code, and what their responsibilities are to be a part of this community, the Rank Structure.
You can accomplish the training during your clan and/or squad meetings.
It is as easy as taking one article of the Honor Code or one rank responsibility to discuss at a meeting.
Also, make sure that you are going over the rank responsibilities prior to each promotion.
Establishing a system of providing this information will start to establish your leadership pipeline.
Members tend to be more active and will want to move up the ranks more once they understand the foundation of our community and what is expected of them.
You do not want to have a gap in your pipeline due to no one being prepared or trained, just as you do not want your leadership pipeline to be clogged because someone is promoted to a higher position without having the basic knowledge required for the rank.
This is not preparing them for success and will cause harm to the clan.
Being Inspirational
Over time in leadership, your members should feel comfortable in coming to you for guidance.
Consistency and being reliable is vital to helping that guidance and growth.
These are fundamentals that will ensure the trust and security of your leaders and their confidence.
Inspiring confidence means honoring commitments and doing the things you say you will do.
But it's easy to lose that confidence with small actions and decisions that cause people to lose that trust.
There are many ways to support you members by being an inspiration to them.
Increasing your Generals' morale by showing enthusiasm for success and praising accomplishments are some of the best and easiest things to do that will continue to motivate them to want to strive for success.
Leadership Definition
The definition of a leader is to first be a follower.
You cannot expect someone to follow you, if you do not know what it is to follow yourself.
A leader simply persuades others to follow them.. Having said this, in order for someone to want to follow you, they must see you have empathy for them and their peers. You do not have to buy into the whole of your surroundings, but to share empathy to those who you lead, goes a long way.
Do not lead by the saying: do as I say and not as I do.
Take charge and show those who you are leading that you are willing to get your feet wet also.
To many leaders/managers fail because they walk one way, yet tell there followers to walk another way.
It is up to you as the leader of the team to set the goals, formulate a plan of action, and motivate the team towards that goal. In doing so, you have to be willing to work along side of the team throughout the full process.

Only members that are removed for serious breaches of the Honor Code or are a threat to the community need to be put on this list.
It is the general and section leader’s responsibility to make sure that names are added to the list when needed (make sure to spell the name correctly).
You also need to put the reason why they are being added to the DNR List.
If someone leaves for a personal reason, they are not put on this list and you should not spam out a message stating why they left.
These are not threats to the community but they will still need to post an application in the Grass Wasn’t Greener forum if they wish to return. If possible, we should try to get people to step down from their leadership position if they hold one rather than leaving the community altogether.
Bottom line: life happens and people need a break sometimes.
No one should ever feel like they have to leave due to their position in the community being too stressful or taking up 100% of their online time.


Forum Veteran
Jul 7, 2016


While transfers have been covered lately, one momre aspect of transfers needs to be covered. When a member transfers from one clan to another, both Generals must post in the help desk to have this process completed in a timely matter. Both Generals need to add the proper information as to what clan they are leaving and what clan they are going into, respectively. This will allow for quicker and smoother transfers.

Help Desk

Section Leaders and Generals, when posting a thread for a removal or add request you do not need to make several separate posts. If it is someone that left for other reasons than what you are posting for the other members then put in the reason that reason and separate it within the same thread.

Communicating Absences

We understand that at times you will not be online for an extended period of time, whether it's due to finals, vacations, life circumstances, etc. We understand that real life should always come first. So if you know your activity will be spotty or non-existent for that time, please let your chain of command know when you are leaving, when you expect to be back, and that you have coverage in your absence.

Clan Structure

Please reference the official XG Clan Structure and make sure you are adhering to it, if there are circumstances preventing this from happening it should be a top priority to address them and move towards having smaller squads and smaller clans are outlined in the Clan Structure here: https://www.xiledgaming.com/forum/xi...lan-Structure=

Clan & Squad Lists

Clan and squad lists are due by this Tuesday, April 30th so get them posted on time.

Community Events
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Monday, 4/29 @ 9pm EST hosted by KoG xMELIODASx & KoG LOTUS XS

Want to request a game night through the XG Events Team? Post it here!

Leadership Classes
Captain's Class
Tuesday, 4/30 @ 10pm EST hosted by SYN LadyRebl XS

Advanced General's Class
Tuesday, 5/7 @ 9pm EST hosted by XGC Fliggy XD


Forum Veteran
Jul 7, 2016
Meeting Notes 5/5/19

Section Leaders

Pending Help Desk Requests

If you or your Generals help desk request is marked as pending, please complete corrections as soon as possible and message who picked up the request to get it resolved. Pending requests only remain pending for 7 days, then they will be denied.

Sunday Meetings

When any of your peers are not online to host the General's meeting, you should be helping them out to make sure their Generals get the information from the meeting, that way they can pass it down to their members. If a General sends you a message asking if you have room for them in your meeting, please do your best to get them in and don't ignore their message, remember we don't leave any members behind.

Availability to Your Members

Section Leaders and Generals, please do not continually stay in a locked party unless you are dealing with an issue or talking about sensitive information. That way, your members are able to join your party to game with you or just chat even if they aren't playing the same game as you.


When getting signatures and banners done by the Design Team, please make sure that you a copying and pasting the link given to you by the designer themselves into the help desk. This keeps the quality of the Design intact, along with the measurements and file sizes appropriate. Not to mention, designers put a lot of time and effort into their work, seeing it distorted takes away from that. If you have questions, feel free to hit up anyone on the Design Team.

Gaining Knowledge

The XG bible is for anyone seeking knowledge regarding rules or ideas in the community. If you have a question, check the bible to see if it's already been answered. Furthermore if you have ideas or have questions regarding things in the community don't be afraid to ask. Remember there are no stupid questions so ask away.

Clan Members

Your clan members should be people who believe in the same honor code and are people you enjoy gaming with. That being said, someone who enjoys trash talking will probably fit in better in SYN, as opposed to KoG or XGC, and someone who wants to game with 18+ would fit in better to XGC, and so on and so forth. Make sure you get to know your recruits so they are in a place that is appropriate for them and they are happy with their squad and clan, and if they aren't that's what the transfer process is for.

Password Reset

Please remember to change your password every 90 days, currently the website is not telling you that a password change is required and you may get an error when trying to log in, if you have any issues please use your chain of command if you need assistance or any admin for a password reset.


Pending Help Desk Requests

If you or your Generals help desk request is marked as pending, please complete corrections as soon as possible and message who picked up the request to get it resolved. Pending requests only remain pending for 7 days, then they will be denied.

Sunday Meetings

Generals, if your Section Leader is not online for General's Meeting, it is your responsibility to make it into a meeting with another XS. Please start messaging other Section Leaders 10-15 minutes before 9pm EST in order to make sure you get into a meeting. If you need help, please contact any online XD for assistance.

Availability to Your Members

Section Leaders and Generals, please do not continually stay in a locked party unless you are dealing with an issue or talking about sensitive information. That way, your members are able to join your party to game with you or just chat even if they aren't playing the same game as you.


When getting signatures and banners done by the Design Team, please make sure that you a copying and pasting the link given to you by the designer themselves into the help desk. This keeps the quality of the Design intact, along with the measurements and file sizes appropriate. Not to mention, designers put a lot of time and effort into their work, seeing it distorted takes away from that. If you have questions, feel free to hit up anyone on the Design Team.

Gaining Knowledge

The XG bible is for anyone seeking knowledge regarding rules or ideas in the community. If you have a question, check the bible to see if it's already been answered. Furthermore if you have ideas or have questions regarding things in the community don't be afraid to ask. Remember there are no stupid questions so ask away.

Clan Members

Your clan members should be people who believe in the same honor code and are people you enjoy gaming with. That being said, someone who enjoys trash talking will probably fit in better in SYN, as opposed to KoG or XGC, and someone who wants to game with 18+ would fit in better to XGC, and so on and so forth. Make sure you get to know your recruits so they are in a place that is appropriate for them and they are happy with their squad and clan, and if they aren't that's what the transfer process is for.

Password Reset

Please remember to change your password every 90 days, currently the website is not telling you that a password change is required and you may get an error when trying to log in, if you have any issues please use your chain of command if you need assistance or any admin for a password reset.

No meetings next Sunday 5/12 due to Mother's Day.

Upcoming Leadership Classes

Captain Class
Saturday, May 18th @ 9pm EST hosted by KoG LOTUS XS

Advanced General Class
Tuesday, May 7th @ 9pm EST hosted by XGC Fliggy XD

**Note about Moderator Classes (General's only): Once Moderator classes are being started again, we will announce it. Until then, your Section Leader will be able to do any moderation needed for you.**


Forum Veteran
Jul 7, 2016
Open Door Policy

Please remember that you should always utilize your chain of command first, but if you have concerns that you feel aren't being addressed, use the open door policy and hit up the next rank. We can't read minds, so we can't solve any issues if we aren't aware of them.

Add/Remove Requests

When doing add and remove requests, please make sure to be specific about the reason. This is to assist the Grass Wasn't Greener team in researching applications in the future, also please make sure for transfer that they are removed from their original clan prior to being added to their new clan.

Leadership Classes

Remember, only sign-up if you are able to make it! If you have signed up, and are unable to make it last minute, please send a message so the spot can be filled in a timely manner. Please communicate to the teacher so they aren't looking for you and delaying the class hoping you'll show up.

Clan Compete

Anyone is welcome to register on www.clancompete.com (formerly known as pwnzone.com) and if you are interested in helping with banners/graphics on the site, hit up XGC Tantaliz XC or XGC x0 0 7x XI.

There will be no meetings next week due to Memorial Day.

Leadership Classes:

Advanced General's Class, Saturday June 1st @ 9pm EST hosted by XGC ACE518 XD

Community Events:

Prominence Poker, Friday 5/24 @ 10pm EST
Hosts: KoG TripTrip & XGC Keaton

Call of Duty: WW2, Monday 5/27 @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC RedneckGurt & KoG LOTUS XS


Forum Veteran
Jul 7, 2016


Generals, when you get a transfer request, there is a timeline for when it should be done. (48 - 72 hours). Make sure you inform your section leader if it's a cross section transfer so it can get done quickly and efficiently. Also remember, when that person is transferring out of your clan to put a removal request in.

Clan Battles:

All Generals of clans are encouraged to schedule time to game with other clans within the community. Having clan battles provides several benefits to the clan members: 1) they give the clan activities and goals to look forward to, 2) they build teamwork in preparing for the event, 3) it introduces the members to other "like-minded" gamers in the community to mention a few. However, for the events to be successful, there must be some guidelines to ensure a successful event and this begins in the initial conversation between the Generals.

The conversation about what's going to go on regarding a clan battle, what the rules are, what the maps and modes are,etc...need to be discussed between the Generals. Not a General and Section Leader, or the Section Leaders. General to General. If something can't be agreed upon then Section Leaders should be involved to resolve the issue as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Furthermore, if a Section Leader contacts a General for a clan battle or vice versa, then the Section Leader should direct the challenged General to their respective General.

Finally, remembering the purpose of the event is to provide the members opportunities to have fun, make sure that good sportsmanship and fair play are paramount before, during, and after the event.

Leadership Classes:

Captain's Classes
Monday, June 3rd @ 9:30pm EST hosted by SYN LadyRebl XS
Wednesday, June 5th @ 4pm EST hosted by SYN Ribon XS

General's Classes
Intro to General's Class - Wednesday, June 12th @ 9pm EST hosted by XGC Fliggy XD

Community Events:

Black Ops 4 - Blackout Game Night - Saturday, June 8th @ 9pm EST hosted by XGC Buffy XD & XGC RedneckGurt

Black Ops 4 - Fight Club - Monday, June 10th @ 9pm EST hosted by SYN x Brave & XGC Keaton

Black Ops 4 - Demolition Derby - Tuesday, June 11th @ 9pm EST hosted by SYN Grimster & XGC DAJI


Forum Veteran
Jul 7, 2016
Meeting Notes 6/23/19
Setting Goals & Achieving Them
Section Leaders

Discord Servers

As a reminder, there are now servers for each division (KoG, SYN & XGC) that you are encouraged to join, with separate channels for each individual clan, including an announcements and leadership only channel. If you need assistance assigning roles to your members or have any questions about how to use the server, please hit up the XDs and we'll be happy to help.

Additionally, any clan servers or section servers that are still in existence need to be deleted ASAP. There is no requirement to join the division discord servers, except for XS and higher. If this isn't clear and you have questions please ask before sharing information that you aren't 100% confident about, as this just causes more issues if we're not all on the same page as each other.

Section Updates

Please make sure you are keeping up with your section update and posting it at least once a month, this will help you remember and keep track of progression within your clans so you know what to continue to work on with them. You should make edits as anything happens throughout the month, such as squad splits, demotions, promotions and anything else significant that should be noted.

Defining Expectations & Goals

When we as leaders are looking to accomplish goals, one of the greatest ways we can successfully achieve this is by being direct and communicating the outcome you want to see. This gives your leadership the opportunity to understand what you expect and how to succeed at it. Growth as a leader is a learning process, so if they need help then we guide them. If they fail to achieve the goal that is set forth, then this is the best opportunity to address how to find a solution and try a different way to accomplish the goal the next time around.

X-Team Challenges

The X-Team is seeking out challenges on multiplayer games, and will be challenging people across the community so keep your eyes out because you could be next!

As always, the X-Team is accepting challenges from clans on any multiplayer games, so if you think your clan has what it takes submit your challenge here: https://www.xiledgaming.com/forum/xi...m/challenge-us

Promoting Captains

If you have a captain's spot open, please make it a priority to find the right person for that spot and promote them. Allowing squads to get close to or over 20 members only causes more stress for the general and the members, so training members and getting them ready for captain is something you and your general should always be talking about. Think long-term rather than short-term and what is best for the clan and the members.


Discord Servers

As a reminder, there are now servers for each division (KoG, SYN & XGC) that you are encouraged to join, with separate channels for each individual clan, including an announcements and leadership only channel. If you need assistance assigning roles to your members or have any questions about how to use the server, please hit up your XS or any XD for assistance.

Additionally, any clan servers or section servers that are still in existence need to be deleted ASAP. There is no requirement to join the division discord servers, except for XS and higher. If this isn't clear and you have questions please ask before sharing information that you aren't 100% confident about, as this just causes more issues if we're not all on the same page as each other.

Conan Exiles

XGC Goodwin has a private server available for Conan Exiles, if interested hit him up on Xbox.

Chain of Command

Please ensure that you are using your chain of command to handle issues, ask questions, or share ideas with. If there's something that is really pressing and your leadership isn't online, that is a great time to use the open door policy, but for anything other than emergencies please be patient and get with your leadership when they are available.

Defining Expectations & Goals

When we as leaders are looking to accomplish goals, one of the greatest ways we can successfully achieve this is by being direct and communicating the outcome you want to see. This gives your leadership the opportunity to understand what you expect and how to succeed at it. Growth as a leader is a learning process, so if they need help then we guide them. If they fail to achieve the goal that is set forth, then this is the best opportunity to address how to find a solution and try a different way to accomplish the goal the next time around.

X-Team Challenges

The X-Team is seeking out challenges on multiplayer games, and will be challenging people across the community so keep your eyes out because you could be next!

As always, the X-Team is accepting challenges from clans on any multiplayer games, so if you think your clan has what it takes submit your challenge here: https://www.xiledgaming.com/forum/xi...m/challenge-us

Leadership Classes

Captain's Class
Sunday, June 30th @ 6pm EST hosted by SYN TINTIGG XS

Advanced General's Class
Wednesday, June 26th @ 9pm EST hosted by XGC Fliggy XD

Community Events

June Game with Fame: featuring SYN Ribon XS
Friday, June 28th @ 8pm EST on Black Ops 4, hosted by XGC Buffy XD

Rainbow 6 Siege Game Night
Saturday, June 29th @ 9pm EST hosted by XGC Keaton & KoG LOTUS XS


Forum Veteran
Jul 7, 2016

Summer Activity / Vacations

As we get into summer, please realize that this is usually a time where people take vacations, spend more time outside and with that, less time on the Xbox. With that in mind, remember that communication is the key to success and that if you are going to be out of town for vacation to let your leadership know.

Additionally, if you are considering removing members for inactivity, please keep this in mind. If someone is off the Xbox for a week, that is definitely not grounds to remove them for inactivity, but keep on top of all members during this slow time.

Clan & Squad Lists

Reminder that clan and squad lists are due by 11:59pm EST tonight. If you are unable to post your list on time, your XS will be posting it for you and following up with you as to why it wasn't done. If a Captain isn't able to post their squad list, you as General should be posting it for them and following up with them as to why it wasn't done on time. Make sure it is a brand new reply, not just editing the existing list, as editing should be happening throughout the month as changes happen in the squad and clan.

X-Team Challenges

The X-Team is looking for challenges from clans as always, but are also issuing challenges to individuals as well! Think you have what it takes to challenge the X-Team? Post your challenge here:

Leadership Classes

If you need a Captain's Class or General's Class, please let your leadership know, especially if you need it at a different time of day than they are usually held (9pm-10pm EST)

Intro to General's Class on July 9th @ 9pm EST by XGC ACE518 XD
Advanced General's Class on July 13th @ 9pm EST by XGC ACE518 XD

Community Events

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Michael Myers Game Night
Monday, July 8th @ 9:30pm EST

Looking for a game night on a certain game? Request a game night through the Xiled Events Team here:


Forum Veteran
Jul 7, 2016
Meeting Notes 7/7/19
Work Smarter, Not Harder

Time Management

As a leader in the community, you have a lot of things going on a lot of the time. However, you need to make sure you take time to just have fun and game, since that's what we're all here for at the end of the day. If you aren't having fun, and are constantly just getting online and handling issues nonstop, it's easy to lose sight of the big picture which is to make Xiled Gaming a fun place to game for all members.

If you're only able to get online a couple times a week, make it a priority to handle anything that needs your specific attention, while training the leaders below you so they're able to handle anything but the major stuff that needs to go to you. Then the rest of your time can be spent gaming and enjoying your time on the box.

Help Desk

When making posts on the Help Desk, please make sure you are using the format provided and being detailed when a reason is needed. Additionally, if someone is requesting a login name change request that does NOT have KoG, SYN or XGC in front of it, there is no XS approval needed. When recruits register on the website, make sure you are telling them how important it is to register with their gamertag exactly as it's spelled (special characters and spaces included), as this is the most common reason an add request is typically denied.

Regarding transfers and ADD/Removes on the help desk..these should be done hand in hand by both Section Leaders/Generals at the time of transfer. This is important so user groups stay up to date and accurate. We don't want to add a member to another user group while still remaining in the old one.

Regarding name changes, these need to be approved by the Section Leader in their leader's forum if it has a XGC, SYN or KoG prefix. Names need to be researched before approving them. If you're not sure if the name is "ok", please hit up a XD to verify it is acceptable.

Design Team:

Like designing? Like making banners and exploring your creativity? Why not try out the XG Design Team?! We are always looking for people who want to do fun and creative designs for the community and its members! Interested in joining, sign up here: https://www.xiledgaming.com/forum/xi...m-applications

Open Door Policy

The open door policy is available to every member in Xiled Gaming, however, please be aware that you should be going to your direct chain of command first. If you feel that your issue isn't being resolved or handled, take it to the next rank, and so on and so forth. That being said, realize that not all issues need to be handled immediately, and that everyone has a life outside of their Xbox so it may take a day or two for a reply back, which is fine for most questions or concerns. If there is a legitimate emergency happening within your clan, definitely hit up a higher up if your XS isn't available.

Leadership Tools

Have you checked out the Leadership Tools forum? It's a great place to read about how to be a successful leader in Xiled Gaming, with many threads covering a great many topics that you might have handled before, or haven't ever had to think about. It's highly encouraged to check out these threads when you have some spare time, and hit up your leadership with any questions you have while reading them.

**Stay tuned for a revamped Leadership Tools forum**

Leadership Classes

Captain's Classes
Monday, July 8th @ 9:30pm EST hosted by SYN LadyRebl XS
Sunday, July 14th @ 6pm EST hosted by SYN TINTIGG XS

General's Classes
Intro to General's - Tuesday, July 9th @ 9pm EST hosted by XGC ACE518 XD
Advanced General's Class - Saturday, July 13th @ 9pm EST hosted by XGC ACE518 XD

Community Events

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 - Michael Myers
Monday, July 8th @ 9:30pm EST

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 - Summer Fun
Friday, July 19th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Buffy XD & XGC Keaton

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 - Michael Myers
Saturday, July 20th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Juic3 XS & XGC MuH ReeN

July 2019 Game with Fame featuring XGC StoopKid XD
Rainbow 6: Siege
Friday, July 26th @ 9pm EST
Host: XGC Buffy XD