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SYN Ashley

Forum Addict
Apr 1, 2007
I have a couple of suggestions to the website actually, but am unsure of where to put them, and I hope it is okay that I put them in your thread. :)

I know the site is still being adjusted and tweaked, so I thought it might be the best opportunity to suggest some things.

1) Is it possible to remove the ability for members to change their own ranks and just implement that into the leader of said user group priviledges? I see quite a few benefits from this. I honestly have people in my clan who don't even know their own ranks, and It's more difficult to try and remember who promoted who and when they got promoted and so forth, so If the minute the person was placed in my user groups, I could change their rank, It would make it so much easier. I also have quite a few people in my clan who either don't have a computer, have limited access to one, and even not just that, but cannot physically find that option anymore. I'm sure those little kinks are being worked out in the edit profile thing right now though, so maybe that option is available again.​

2) I know that I am having a problem having my clan members actually take the time to send a request to join our user group. Is there any way to send a mass email to all registered users, with a link inside opening the actual page where they join?​

I don't know if this will make it more work for anyone, but I think it would definately speed things up if it were possible to implement.

Anyway, thanks for your time.


Forum Junkie
Aug 21, 2006
Ossian, IN
I agree especially when in the event of Demoting someone they don't change their rank on the website and for me that can be confusing to people not in your clan. Also if we as leaders of the groups had the ability to remove someone from the group as well. If I remove someone from my clan that has broken the honor code I want the ability to remove them also from my group. Thanks for your time.
Feb 12, 2007
i actually know the answer to the 2nd question it was answered by BUnite in the chat eariler today.

the answer is that they could do that, but they arent going to unless it comes to that, they would rather have all the generals take care of it than have a few admins get 30,000 people into their respective user group, that would take alot of time and effort that can be done mush more simply if people do their job right


Council Leader
Council Leader
Oct 21, 2006
Answers to your questions...

The abilities for Generals to remove anyone from a usergroup was purposely disabled permently. Here is the reason. As long as there is no way to remove anyone from the usergroups then it protects our members from what everyone calls a clan hit.

If a member has been removed all you need to do is submit your request in the appropriate Help Desk forum and provide the detailed information.

Regarding the ranks, the editing of the profile has been fixed. The only way the rank can be changed is either the member doing it in their profile or by an admin. Try talking to your members to correct their rank. If they don't comply then there may be another issue with that member that may need to be addressed.

Work as best you can with members that doen's have computer access. Some options are the library or a friend.

Regarding the Mass Email. Possible, but that would be the last resort. Thing to remember is that a lot of members has the email forwarded to the junk email and may miss it.

XGC Sentinel

Jan 27, 2007
United States PA
This looked like a good place for this Suggestion.

First off, the new site is great !! I know that people who are unsure of being in a clan are immediately impressed when I direct them to site.
But many have had a hard time finding the honor code I mention while in the game. And some people may not want to get in-depth with you about your clan right off the bat, but after checking out the site they ask you questions and want to be a part of it all on their own !!

So here's my question: is it possible to have the community link from the forums page added to the xiledgaming.com homepage that we direct all recruits to (or have the drop-down from the community link added to the Forum link on the homepage).

That way it isn't as hard for you to talk a perspective’s through finding your main document, (in my opinion) your community's honor-code.
Currently its like this: "Once you get on xiledgaming.com you click on the forums link then you click on the community link and choose your community and its on the left side."
I know its not a Big deal, but the easier it is for someone new to the community to find your part of it, the more chance there is for that individual to find the honor code and see for themselves what our community stands for.

Shouldn't our communities be accessible from the main page?
XGC, KoG, Syn, XGG, and Xiled Paintball
Isn't that what XG is really all about ?


Council Leader
Council Leader
Oct 21, 2006
The Honor Code is displayed when they register as well they can edit their profile and can view it there also. The front end is geared towards the gaming and you would need to navigate to the community. There are three links that you could navigate directly to the community. XGCLive.com, KoGLive.com, and SYNLive.com all have the Honor Code right there on the left menu.